We now welcome presentations for the Baltic Heritage Network conference Varjatud varandused/Hidden Treasures, which will take place on the 26th-28th of June 2012 at the Estonian Literary Museum in Tartu (Vanemuise 42).
Organisers: the NPA Baltic Heritage Network, the Estonian Literary Museum, the Estonian National Museum and the National Archives of Estonia. Sponsor: the Compatriots Programme (the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research).
The conference continues where the two previous conferences – the 2006 International Conference on the Baltic Archives Abroad and the 2009 Baltic Heritage Network conference Accessing the History of the Baltic Diaspora –left off . The aim of the conference in 2006 was to make contacts and to gather information about the cultural heritage of the Baltic diaspora(s). The conference in 2009 continued the mapping of this cultural heritage, focusing on its importance, meaning, accessibility and related issues.
For this conference, we welcome presentations from archivists, museologists and librarians, focusing on the less known émigré archives and library and museum collections at different memory institutions: materials/sources/records that haven’t yet attracted researchers’ attention, but deserve to be made known.
We also welcome presentations from researchers who are looking for (or who have already found!) such archive material during the course of their research. The researcher is the archivist’s best friend –and vice versa. This year’s conference will have fulfilled its purpose if researchers, archivists, librarians and museologists are able to exchange useful information and generate new ideas for their work.
The working languages of the conference will be English and Estonian.
Please submit your presentation abstracts (up to 1 page) in English and/or Estonian by the 20th of February 2012. Send your abstract, along with your contact details (name, address, e-mail and phone number) to or by regular mail to Baltic Heritage Network, Vanemuise 42, 51003 Tartu, Estonia.
The deadline for submitting complete presentations (in Estonian and/or English) is the 10th of June (presentation length 20 minutes). The complete presentation texts are needed for the interpreters.
Conference participation fees (includes conference folder, lunches, reception and cultural programme):
Before the 15th of April 2012:
60 EUR (Baltic Heritage Network members)
80 EEK (non-members)
Before the 15th of May 2012:
75 EUR (Baltic Heritage Network members)
100 EUR (non-members)
One day + lunch:
15+10 EUR (Baltic Heritage Network members)
25+10 EUR (non-members)
For more information, please see:
www.balther.net, or contact the conference organisers at the following addresses: ,