Hillary Clinton promises 'steady leadership' at 'moment of reckoning' CTV (4)
Eestlased USAs | 28 Jul 2016  | EWR OnlineEWR
 - pics/2016/07/48077_001.jpg

PHILADELPHIA -- Promising Americans a steady hand, Hillary Clinton cast herself Thursday night as a unifier for divided times, steeled for the challenges of a volatile world by decades in politics that have left some Americans skeptical that she understands their lives.

"I know that at a time when so much seems to be pulling us apart, it can be hard to imagine how we'll ever pull together again," Clinton said as she accepted the Democratic nomination, becoming the first woman to lead a major U.S. political party. "But I'm here to tell you tonight -- progress is possible."

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is that you, Maxim?02 Aug 2016 12:34
Or is it Peter with the snake in his head?
holding my nose01 Aug 2016 09:38
Unfortunately, Trump is even worse, especially his views on NATO, Russia, Estern Europa, etc
the real hillary29 Jul 2016 11:27
yes she is a party to the problems of the world

either she is in the loop or she is not in the loop,
... so the secret cia annex in benghazi (which was minutes from the ambassador's compound) could not involve its agents to try to save the people in the compound as the weapons stored there to support isis via turkey could be exposed @ 2.20 minutes

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Eestlased USAs