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How to contribute?
14 Jan 2002 Tõnu Naelapea
We noted in the inaugural edition of Eesti Elu/Estonian Life that much of the success of this venture depends on community involvement.

As the web version of the paper demonstrates, there is considerable interest out there, the number of comments posted responding to articles being but one positive, interactive example.

The print version however also needs response - and we are willing to provide space. Letters to the editor - as opposed to the more informal comments commonly found in cyberspace would be welcome.

Not all readers have access to the internet. As is the case with North American dailies,in the case of e-mail submission of a letter to the editor the author's full name and contact information guarantees consideration for inclusion in Estonian Life.

Community news in English about activities outside of Southern Ontario is a category that readers have expressed interest in. The speed of the Internet allows rapid transfer of information. We request, however, that any such contributions sent by e-mail be sent in plain text, no attachments please. Photographs submitted with a SASE will be returned.

Beyond such contributions other possibilities exist to make these pages reflect a larger community than merely the one where the paper is published. Contact information regarding how to reach Estonian-Canadians, Estonian-American, in fact Estonians anywhere working, creating or contributing to the English language speaking community might lead to a series of Estonians on the world stage.

The advantages of the internet might allow electronic interviewing that ends up on the printed page. The possibilities are numerous.

One category that seems to bring response is youth involvement. To this end we would encourage parents of youngsters, who may not feel comfortable writing in Estonian, perhaps from marriages where only one parent is of Estonian background, but who are proud of their heritage, to have them write in English about their accomplishments.

A pen-pal corner is being considered, where, say youngsters from Spokane or Baltimore may post their addresses - e-mail or regular - and contact others with similar interests and similar backgrounds. As was the case with Free Estonian and Our Life, this paper's predecessors, Estonian Life would on occasion dedicate a page to the writings, in English by the school-aged members of our community at large.

A focus on our common heritage, expressed through culture and the arts is a priority. In other words, that which makes us who we are, no matter where we reside. Finally, to all the budding cartoonists/caricaturists of any age out there! We know that many express themselves best visually, rather than struggle with sentence composition, paragraph structure. All submissions will be given the consideration they deserve.

Given the advantages that the new electronic information centre to be run by Tartu College, publishers of this paper offer, it is to be hoped that over the course of the next months many of these ideas and suggestions will become a reality. With input from all corners of our readership area your Estonian and English language newspaper can only improve.
