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I have questions about the new Estonian centre. What should I do?
03 Apr 2017 Tauno Mölder
 - pics/2017/03/49458_002_t.jpg
Rarely has an issue struck more of a nerve with Toronto Estonian community than the trials and tribulations of the re-development of Estonian House in Toronto. The 10 year process has been moving along, sometime perhaps slower than many had wished, but at least in fairly predictable and informed manner. EM board has kept the shareholders and the community in large mostly informed, obviously keeping some negotiation details in confidence as it should. The direction taken by EM board has not satisfied everybody, but the great majority has at least been supportive of the process, as evidenced by overwhelming majorities obtained by EM shareholder voting.

Summary of the development throughout the last 10 years can be followed through our special Toronto Eesti Maja Tulevik section here.

This orderly path forward was thrown into disarray when EM board announced in October that the negations with Alterra have been unsuccessful. Although many in community were aware that something was going on behind the scenes, the real shocker came on Mar 6th, when the so called Madison group (Estonian Credit Union, Estonian Foundation of Canada, and Tartu College) announced that they have entered into Letter of Intent (LOI) with Build Toronto to buy the parking lot behind TC. The announcement produced a dizzying array of questions and reactions, emotional and rational. The closed community meeting on Mar 29th answered many of these questions, but still left many people unsatisfied and even more confused.

Seldom have EWR editors been inundated with so many emails, comments and personal pleas. The reaction from the community seems to fall into several different categories. One group just wants to move along, fully trusting that duly elected volunteer boards have the best interests of the community in mind. Another group has deep emotional connections to EM and wants to see it to go on no matter what. They feel powerless in the recent events; they feel the decision has already been made for them. The third group sees great conspiracy theories behind every move and keeps tabs on every possible conflict of interest. There is also a large group of community members that has no idea what is going on and seem bewildered and confused when told that EM might not be on Broadview Ave. after few short years. The (mini)dramas play out in the context of the small and shrinking community; everything is happening within the large family, family that has been going together to lasteaed, kool, leer, Jõekääru, Seedrioru and Kotkajärve.

EWR has been approached from different sides of this ongoing debate. One underlying theme that runs through all of the approaches has been the quest for more information. The community has to live with results of the upcoming decisions for a long time.

ECU members have the opportunity to come to the AGM of Estonian Credit Union on Wed, Apr 5th and ask any questions you may have.

If you can’t come to the meeting, please send your questions or comments to or post them as comments. Please be civil and mindful of the confidentiality that surrounds certain aspects of the project (specifically any $ figures).