Info from Boston Estonian Society
Eestlased Kanadas | 11 Oct 2011  | EWR
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Boston Estonian School

Estonian School will take place on October 16th at the North Chelmsford Congregational Church. The following school day will be held on November 13th. The school day begins at 2PM and ends at 5PM. All questions and registration should be directed to school director Airi ).

Directions at the end of the newsletter

Sausage making

What true Estonian Christmas table would be without blood sausages? The Boston Estonian Society's sausage making will take place on November 26th in the kitchen of the North Chelmsford Congregational Church. If you would like to be part of it please contact Karina ) and Riina / 617-481-1181).

Directions at the end of the newsletter

Sausage orders

This year we are offering the chance to pre order blood sausages. We will take orders until our sausage making day, which will be on November 26th. You may pick them up at our Christmas celebration. If interested please contact Karina ) and Riina / 617-481-1181).

Christmas Celebration

The Christmas celebration will take place on December 11th at the North Chelmsford Congregational Church starting at 2PM.

Directions at the end of the newsletter

Christmas Fair

The fair will again coincide with the BES Christmas celebration, and we await handicrafts, CDs, and Christmas foods (the society will provide verivorst, bread, sauerkraut, cranberry sauces, etc.) We are hoping to find makers for breads, gingercookies, and other delectables.

All ideas are welcome that will bring BES (and the participants) some revenue.

If you are interested in joining the effort, please contact Riina / 617-481-1181) before December.

“My life in a new home country”

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) invites everybody, regardless of age, to participate in the competition: “My life in my new home country”. All real life stories, research and interviews about the lives of Estonians outside Estonia and the lives of foreigners in Estonia are welcome. The goal of the competition is to collect and preserve the real life stories of people who have fled Estonia and the stories of immigrants who have moved to Estonia from other cultures.

You can submit an essay based on your life-story, interview or research – as long as it focuses on the feelings, thoughts and experiences of a refugee. The format of the work plays no importance – it is possible to submit the stories in writing or by e-mail and with or without photographs.

Stories from refugees, immigrants or their interviewers; in all age groups, in Estonian, Russian or English are welcome.

The results shall be announced in December, and the best works shall be published in a book.

Stories must be received by 10 November 2011, at the latest, marked with the keyword: “KONKURSS “Elust uuel kodumaal””, and sent to the e-mail address or via regular post to the following address:

IOM Tallinn
Jõe 9/Ahtri 12
10151 Tallinn

Please add to your competition work following information about you: name, age, e-mail address and postal address.

The competition is organized within the framework of the project “Public Awareness Raising in Estonia: Refugees and Migrants” (PAREM) implemented by IOM and UNHCR, and financed through the European Refugee Fund and Estonian Ministry of the Interior.

Teejuhised / Directions

North Chelmsford Congregational Church

15 Princeton St
North Chelmsford, MA

Sõites mööda kiirteed I-495 North
Sõitke mahasõidust 33 kiirteelt maha ja pöörake vasakule teele RT-4. Sõitke mööda teed RT-4 üle kiirtee US-3 jälgides teeviitasid "4 NORTH - N Chelmsford". Mõne aja pärast muutub tee RT-4 teeks RT-3A. Varsti peale tuletõrje jaama pöörake vasakule tänavale Shaw St. Oletegi kohal!

Sõites mööda kiirteed US-3 North
Sõitke mahasõidust 32 kiirteelt maha ja pöörake teisest valgusfoorist paremale teele RT-4 jälgides teeviitasid "4 NORTH - N Chelmsford". Mõne aja pärast muutub tee RT-4 teeks RT-3A. Varsti peale tuletõrje jaama pöörake vasakule tänavale Shaw St. Oletegi kohal!

From I-495 North
Take Exit 33. Turn left onto RT-4 and continue across US-3 following signs for "4 NORTH - N Chelmsford". RT-4 will turn into RT-3A. Soon after the fire station turn left onto Shaw St. You made it!

From US-3 North
Take Exit 32. Take your second right onto RT-4 following signs for "4 NORTH - N Chelmsford". RT-4 will turn into RT-3A. Soon after the fire station turn left onto Shaw St. You made it!

Bostoni Eesti Selts • P.O. Box 342 • Chelmsford, MA 01824
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