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Information Session on February 18th: 954-958 Broadview Ave & 72 Chester Hill Rd Development
03 Feb 2021 EWR Online
 - pics/2020/09/57160_001_t.jpg
A Preliminary Report on a new development application from Diamond Kilmer will be on the February 24 meeting agenda for the Toronto and East York Community Council (TEYCC). The new proposal is for a 16 storey building containing 223 residential units, 91 underground vehicular parking spaces and 229 bicycle parking spaces.

City Councillor Paula Fletcher is hosting a virtual information meeting in advance of the TEYCC meeting. City Planning and Diamond Kilmer will both make presentations and there will be ample opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. This session will take place on Zoom, so please register in advance.

Date: February 18, 2021
Time: 7pm to 9pm
To register:

Documentation related to this application is on the City Planning Web Portal - click on the application beginning with 2019, and then scroll to 'Supporting Documentation.' The Diamond Kilmer information is listed as November 2020.

The Preliminary Report will become public no later than February 17 and will be listed under "954-958 Broadview Avenue and 72 Chester Hill Road – Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Applications – Preliminary Report" on the Toronto and East York Community Council webpage. Once the agenda is posted publicly you can register to speak by emailing Please be sure you specify the Agenda Item # in your email to the committee clerk.

George Pantazis ) has been the City Planner on this file however it is being transferred to Senior Planner Seanna Kerr ) Both planners will attend the February 18 meeting.

You can reach out to them directly to make sure you are on the City's list of interested parties in order to receive all future notices directly from City Planning.