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Is Putin a CIA Agent or Only the Richest Man on Earth?
29 Jul 2017 Paul Goble
Staunton, July 29 - Vladimir Putin has done so much harm to Russia that the only possible conclusion is that he is an agent of Western special services, a charge that recalls those made by Soviet loyalists against Mikhail Gorbachev (

Meanwhile, Willilam Browder, the founder of Renaissance Capital and the man behind the Magnitsky Act, suggests that Putin is “the richest man in the world” with a net worth of perhaps 200 billion US dollars ( Putin is certainly wealth and he has helped his friends to great wealth as well: this week it came out that he had made a dollar billionaire of the man who supervised his kandidat dissertation (

But Putin seems to be losing it in some ways, denying the obvious – there is no censorship of any kind in Russia, the Kremlin leader says, or confusing the figures about the growth or decline of the Russian population ( and He did reveal his KGB name – Platov ( – and said he maintains his equilibrium by remaining on Moscow time even when he travels (