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'It's got us very intrigued': MPs to study how Canada can learn from 'digitally advanced' Estonia National Post
13 Jan 2019 EWR Online
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Wired Magazine even deemed the country 'E-stonia, the world's most digitally advanced society'
The Kiek in de Kok artillery tower, centre left, and St. Olaf's church tower, centre, stand on the skyline in Tallinn, Estonia, on Sunday, Oct. 16, 2016.Andrey Rudakov/Bloomberg
Stuart Thomson
January 13, 2019
Some members of parliament will be studying an age-old question this spring: how can Canada be more like Estonia?

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the tiny Baltic country has turbocharged its government services, becoming the first nation to allow citizens to vote online and offering a slew of amenities through a single digital portal. Wired Magazine even deemed the country “E-stonia, the world’s most digitally advanced society.”...........