Jaan Teemant - 140
Inimesed | 18 Sep 2012 | EWR
nemo artiklile Teet Kalmus: Putin vestab muinasjutte...: Soome välispoliitika instituudi Venemaa, EL-i idanaabruse ja Euraasia programmijuht Arkady Moshes rääkis MTV uudistele, et praegu on Putini sõnad Zelensky omadest palju olulisemad. Seda seoses...
nemo artiklile Teet Kalmus: Putin vestab muinasjutte...: Anatoli, kui tal pole midagi teha, võib arvutada muidugi. Ühe kilotonni trotüüli plahvatusenergia on 4,184⋅10astmes12 J on ju teada ja kineetilise energia arvutamise valemit mv² : 2 on selleski...
vaatleja artiklile Teet Kalmus: Ukrainal pole liugpommide...: Dnipro kui Uus-Jeruusalemm.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
vaevalt artiklile Kaksteist Briti sõdurit said Eestis...: Kas bussis istujad ka turvavööd kasutasid?
oʻnnetus ` le artiklile Kaksteist Briti sõdurit said Eestis...: UK is not EU country and US so is not.Go to Ukraine with you tanks, Estonia is neutral country like Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Austria and Switzerland, no training camps and foreign Arm Bases,...
Õ artiklile St. Peter's: From the Brink - Into a New...: This is simply not true. Current council is every bit as legitimate as any previous council has been. Sour grapes, this is all I can say.
Ö artiklile St. Peter's: From the Brink - Into a New...: For all their faults, at least the previous council was duly elected. They remained true to democratic principle. Not like the present group who simply appointed themselves in charge out of sheer...
Õ artiklile St. Peter's: From the Brink - Into a New...: The old council laid no foundation. Ok, I take it back, they did lay foundation to sell, as they had no other ideas or vision. They made it very clear in their articles.
Real deal artiklile St. Peter's: From the Brink - Into a New...: The real thanks in all this belongs to the previous council. The slander of this article ignores the fact that they built the solid foundation upon which the present council can hang their laurels...
ago55 artiklile Teet Kalmus: Putin vestab muinasjutte...: ..."Eesti rahvas peaks naasma talupojamõistuse juurde ja seadma esiplaanile vaid selle, mis on oluline meie rahvusriigi ja eestluse püsimisele ja ellujäämisele. .." On, ... ja ei ole ka....
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