JBANC action alert: Ask your Senator to support NATO enlargement
Arvamus | 25 Mar 2003  | EEEWR
Washington, DC (JBANC) - Senate Hearings on NATO Enlargement are scheduled to begin this week. The United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee will thus begin the process of ratifying the NATO Protocols of Accession, to amend the NATO Treaty. It is hoped that the Senate will vote on NATO enlargement in the coming months, possibly by late spring or early summer.
To help put the issue onto the radar screen of your Senator, please ask him
or her to support the coming round of NATO enlargement, to include Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the Trans-Atlantic Alliance. Calls over the next few weeks are important, since the debate is now beginning.
Calls and faxes to the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services
committees are also needed.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee: (Republican staff) tel. 202-224-4651, fax 202-228-1608; (Democratic staff) tel. 202-224-3953, fax 202-228 3612
Armed Services Committee tel. 202-224-3871
• A Senate Directory can be found online at:
• An updated phone list of all Senators can be downloaded at:
• For background information, please visit the JBANC webpage
http://jbanc.org and http://expandnato.org
• The Hearings may be televised on C-Span: http://www.c-span.org

Text of March 21 JBANC letter to Members of both Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committee:

On behalf of one million Americans of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian
heritage, the Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc. (JBANC) asks
for your support for NATO enlargement ratification during upcoming Senate deliberation. We ask for your endorsement for the seven invited aspirant countries, including Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
In the twelve years following the restoration of their independence,
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have carried out impressive economic,
political and military reforms.
All three Baltic countries have actively participated in peacekeeping
missions in the Balkans and in Afghanistan and are also committed to
serving alongside the United States and its Allies in the rebuilding of
Iraq. As part of the coalition of the willing these countries are committed
to giving not only political but moral, material and tactical support to
the United States.
We look forward to working with you in supporting the partnership and
cooperation between the United States, its NATO Allies and the three Baltic countries as they integrate further with Western democratic institutions. This will help cement the security and stability so long sought after in that region.
(JBANC Chairman)
