JBANC Baltic Security Conference
Kuumad uudised | 24 Jan 2003  | EWR
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Washington, DC (JBANC) - JBANC's fifth conference on Baltic Security and NATO will take
place March 6-8, 2003 in Washington, DC.

The conference program and Registration form are available below and online at: http://jbanc.org

Please print the registration form and mail to JBANC along with your check (made out to "JBANC
Conference"). We will accept e-mailed and faxed registrations (you will be billed, or can pay at the

Sponsorship opportunities are also available. Please contact us for more information:
tel. 301-340-1954, e-mail:jbanc@jbanc.org

We'll see you at the conference!

Karl Altau
Managing Director

March 6-8, 2003
“Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania in NATO: Building Trans-Atlantic Security”


Thursday: March 6, 2003 Business in the Baltics

10:00am-12:00 Economic/Commercial Opportunities in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania:
Half-day seminar at U.S. Department of Commerce (sponsored by the Central and Eastern Europe Business
Information Center – CEEBIC and Estonian-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

Friday: March 7, 2003 Congress & ADMINISTRATION

10:00 Opening (the Capitol) - President of JBANC
10:05-10:15 Greetings by Co-chairs of Senate/House Baltic Caucus (Presentations)
10:15-11:00 Presentations by Senate/House Foreign Relations and other Committee staff
11:00-11:30 Refreshments
11:30-14:00 No-host lunch and visits to Senate and House members and staff
14:30-15:00 Transportation to National Security Council (NSC)/State Department
15:00-16:30 Briefing and Q&A’s with NSC/State Department policy level staff
16:30-18:00 Transportation back to hotel and free time
18:00-20:00 Baltic leadership meeting (at Hotel)
20:00-22:00 (JBANC Board of Directors meeting)

Saturday: March 8, 2003 Seminar Day (Washington Marriott)

8:00 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 9:15 Opening - President and chairman of JBANC

9:15 - 10:00 PANEL 1 The Baltic Neighborhood and Russia. Invited speakers:
Russian government official, Paul Goble (VOA), Ron Asmus (German Marshall Fund).

10:00 - 11:00 PANEL 2 NATO and the Future. Invited speakers:
Robert Bradtke (Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, Dept. of State),
Steve Flanagan (National Defense University), Radek Sikorski (American Enterprise Institute).

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-12:30 PANEL 3 Defense Preparedness and Anti-Terrorism. Speakers:
Girts Valdis Kristovskis (Minister of Defence, Latvia), Giedrius Cekuolis (Secretary of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs),
Harri Tiido (Deputy Under-Secretary of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, recently named Estonian Ambassador to NATO).
12:30-2:30 Lunch: keynote speaker

3: 00-4:00 PANEL 4 - View from the Baltics - the Expatriate Experience. Invited speakers:
Ojars Kalnins (Chairman, Latvian Trans-Atlantic Organization),
Mari-Ann Kelam (Member of Parliament, Republic of Estonia), Linas Kojelis (co-founder, U.S.-Baltic Foundation)

4:00-5:00 PANEL 5 Senate NATO Ratification Issues. Proposed speakers:
Members of United States Congress and staff representatives.
5:00-5:30 Summary and Discussion.
6:00-7:00 Cocktail Reception (Hosted by U.S.-Baltic Foundation)
7:00-10:00 Dinner: keynote speaker

This agenda is subject to change. Please check the JBANC webpage for updates
Revised 01/23/03

March 6-8, 2003
“Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania in NATO: Building Trans-Atlantic Security”


NAME _______________________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________________________
TEL. Home (___)____________________ Work (___)______________________
FAX ( )
E-MAIL _____________________

ORGANIZATION _________________________________________

____ $110.00 Please pre-register me for the entire conference (must be received by February 21).
Includes Saturday conference plus lunch and dinner that day.

____ $135.00 Please register me for the entire conference (if after February 21).
Includes Sat. conference plus lunch and dinner that day.

____ $75.00 I would like ONLY to attend the Saturday conference (does not include lunch and dinner).

____ $40.00 Saturday lunch only. Number of attendees _____ Total $__________

____ $50.00 Saturday dinner only. Number of attendees _____ Total $__________

NOTE: Conference fees for students are waived (except lunch and dinner)
[Name of University/College ____________________________________]


Please make checks payable to: JBANC Conference
Thank you!

To obtain discount rate hotel rooms, reservations must be made by February 13, 2003. The hotel’s group rates
prior to February 13 are $119.00 single/double. State and local taxes apply. After that date, reservations will only
be accepted on an available basis. Pre-registration is encouraged. When calling the Washington Marriott please
mention that you will be attending the JBANC Conference.

1221 22nd St., NW, Washington, DC
1-888-236-2427 or 202-872-1500

The Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc.
400 Hurley Avenue
Rockville, MD 20850-3121
tel. 301-340-1954
fax: 301-309-1406

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