Kuumad uudised | 18 Apr 2003  | EWR
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JBANC PRESS RELEASE:For Immediate Release contact: Simonas Girdzijauskas
April 18, 2003 tel. 301-340-1954

House to Markup Authorization for Foreign Relations Act
Funding for Baltic Language Services on the Line

Washington DC (JBANC) The House International Relations Committee has scheduled a markup session on April 30, 2003 to debate the Foreign Relations Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2004 and 2005 (State Department Authorization); and the Millennium Challenge Account Act of 2003. The meeting will be held at 10: 15 AM in Room 2172 of the Rayburn House Office Building and is open to the public. Chairman Henry J. Hyde will preside over the proceedings.

The Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc. (JBANC) representing a million Americans of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian heritage, is helping to promote a strong nationwide effort to have funding restored for Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty programming to the Baltic countries. Recently, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee proposed the authorization of $8.9 million to ensure continuing International Broadcasting by VOA and RFE/RL language services to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The current proposal for the FY04 budget, which has been submitted by the Administration for Congressional approval, does not allocate any funds for international broadcasting to the Baltic countries.

In an April 17 letter to Members of Congress, JBANC chairman John Bolsteins stated that “International broadcasting has been an important tool in promoting U.S. interests abroad,” and that JBANC stands firmly “against the premature elimination of these radio services, at least until these countries are securely in NATO and the European Union. It is vital, especially today, that America’s voice be heard and heard clearly.”

Senate and House Appropriations committees will also soon begin considering legislation affecting the status of radio services to the Baltic countries and Central and Eastern Europe.

The Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc. represents the Estonian American National Council, Inc., the American Latvian Association, Inc. and the Lithuanian American Council, Inc.

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