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Joe Oliver: We should prepare for extreme weather, but tying it to climate change is a mistake Finacial Post
23 Jul 2019 EWR Online
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Joe Oliver: We should prepare for extreme weather, but tying it to climate change is a mistake
Even if climate change were the source of extreme weather, Trudeau’s signature carbon solution would be certain to fail
A couple walk down a flooded street in Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Barry.Scott Olson/Getty Images
Special to Financial Post
Joe Oliver
July 23, 2019
6:30 AM EDT

The harm caused by extreme weather merits a national action plan, whatever its cause and whether or not it is increasing in severity or frequency. Policies that only address climate change won’t do the job.

Canadians are bombarded with images of forest fires, tornadoes and torrential rain, all attributed to manmade climate change. We are warned that these calamities will get much worse and that catastrophes will soon be irreversible unless we urgently reduce our carbon dioxide emissions.....
