Pühapäeva, 15. juuli tegevuskava Jõekäärul/ Sunday, July 15 agenda:
Kell 10:00 –Jumalateenistus / a short church service in front of the main hall
Kell 11:00 –Jõekääru mälestused piltide näitamine saalis / “Memories of Jõekääru” slide show
Kell 11:00-13:00 –Laste registreerimine / registration for new campers
Kell 12:00-16:30 –Laste karneval / Kids carnival
Kell 12:30-1:30 - Lõunasöök / lunch
Please note that the entrance fee on Saturday for all adults is $20, children are free. Included with your entrance fee is our special 60th anniversary edition programme.
Lunch is available to everyone for $5.00, and our buffet dinner is $15.
On Sunday, any children NOT in laager wanting to participate in the carnival will be charged $5.00 admission.
If anyone is looking to sleep over, then bringing a tent is the best idea J or, look for a bed and breakfast in the
surrounding areas (there are a few).
Hope to see you on the week-end!
JSS juhatus / JSS Directors
Jõekääru "60" (4)
Teadaanded | 09 Jul 2012 | EWR
Viimased kommentaarid
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Hey, this is not me, don't steal my thunder! Stick to your own name.
Anyone seen the metsaülikool 2012 imagery? Looks like a group suicide on a dock!
I think this one looks great! Yes, the other one was a tad ominous, but hey....
Looking forward to Saturday! Should be a great party.
Looking forward to Saturday! Should be a great party.