John Tory has plans for Ontario - and he’ll carry them out (3)
Archived Articles | 30 Dec 2005  | Adu RaudkiviEWR
"There are 6,000 persons trained as doctors, qualified in Canada, living in Ontario, working at menial jobs, while we have a doctor shortage," said Leader of the (Ontario) Opposition, Head of the Progressive Conservative Party, Member of Provincial Parliament John Tory. He adds,"We only allow 25 foreign trained doctors to be certified annually."

How do we resolve this problem? "I would talk to the medical society and ask them to resolve the problem, they should be able to do it in six months time," says Tory. The premier of Ontario does have the authority to order this to be done, after all.

The question is, why hasn't it been done? "This is a different PC party. I was an executive assistant under former Premier Bill Davis," said Tory, adding, "I have followed his principles ever since."

The Liberals never tell the truth, so their stand doesn't matter.

The control that professional associations have is enormous. "My daughter is a landscape architect and had to wait a considerable time to become professionally accredited," said Estonian Central Council President Avo Kittask, adding, "the association is American."

The above cooments were made at the most recent meeting of the Canadian Ethnic Journalists' and Writers' Club, where Tory discussed his positions on diversity, the new definition of ethnicity. "John Tory is familiar to us at OMNI-TV," said Sandy Zwyer, Program Information Co ordinator, adding, "he produced and hosted a show, only stopping when he entered frontline politics."

"I have been very concerned with the amount of crime that is plaguing the young people of Toronto. I have asked Premier Dalton McGuinty to get involved in a study, to find how to combat this tragedy which is affecting innocent children. McGuinty wasn't interested," said Tory.

"I went around to the areas affected by crime, with the media, but more times without, by myself, talking with the people, seeing what needs to be done. We've put together a paper on the subject that can cast some light on the situation," said Tory.

Except for his intensity many of his policies are similiar to those of Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty. When asked how he would be different than his Liberal opponent, he answered, "I have been a businessman, in charge of a major corporation (Rogers Media), where you are as good as your word. I'm not going to change that now," answered Tory.

That’s the difference between Tory and McGuinty. The latter has broken more promises than he's kept.


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Peter05 Jan 2006 12:39
One of my friends went to the Philippines for his vacation and came back with all kinds of certifications and diplomas, complete with his graduation photos, all of which he had bought. Of course he did this as a joke to amuse his friends here. Maybe next time you are sick and need to be operated on I can send him over.

Anonymous03 Jan 2006 13:04
Peter is that your website at

Peter01 Jan 2006 13:02
This is a new form of discrimination that the extreme left has recently discovered. Since everyone is equal then it only makes sense that education must also be equal as well. In the eyes of these people someone educated in a poor and corrupt 3rd world country must be just as qualified as someone who has been educated in North America, Europe, Japan or in other more advanced countries.
This ignores the fact that in many third world countries most people are not even literate and their universities may be on the same level as our high schools. The children of the wealthy upper class in these countries would rather learn in Western universities and when one of their wealthy citizens needs medical treatment then they would not even consider going to one of their own hospitals but will fly that person to a Western country at great expense to get treatment. Our high standards of certification for doctors and other professionals exist for a reason. If we lower them in the name of equality then we will join the 3rd world as well.

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