Eesti keeles allpool
ECU has everything you need to get ready for your vacation! Learn about travel insurance, foreign currency & money smart travelling tips in this issue.
Buy your foreign currency from us today!
Taking off for your summer vacation? Come buy your euros or other foreign currency at the credit union!
Euros and U.S. dollars are readily available in branch and we can now order in almost any currency you need. Give us a call and we'll have it to you in 2-3 days! Visit our website for more information.
*For large amounts of US dollars or Euros, please call the branch in advance to ensure required amounts are available.*
Stay protected and purchase CUMIS travel insurance through ECU!
It's important to stay protected when travelling, and we've partnered
with CUMIS insurance to make sure you're covered!
CUMIS travel insurance is there for any unexpected accidents or emergencies. Travel insurance lets you enjoy a worry-free trip!
Visit our website for more information, or contact CUMIS for a free quote today! 1-877-885-2847
Money Smart Travelling Tips
If you are planning to travel this summer, it is likely you are going to need some money. Even with all expenses paid vacations, accidents and amazing opportunities can come up that you will want to take advantage of (“I never thought I’d ever find a red Icelandic Fishing Net with my name embroidered in it! I have to have it!”). It’s best to be prepared and know how you can access your money when you need to:
Tell your financial institution and credit card companies when you plan to travel and where you will be. They may otherwise detect unusual activity on your account and cancel your card, even though it is actually you buying that expensive sari in Mumbai.
Know your limits as your cash withdrawal limits at an ATM abroad are the same as they are at home. That means the limits are factored in Canadian currency, so it is important to be mindful of fluctuating exchange rates.
Always bring with you more than one means to access your funds. Sometimes the debit card systems go down, and you never know if a credit card’s chip or magnetic strip will break, or worse yet, get lost or stolen. It's a good idea to keep one card separate from your wallet in case something happens.
For ECU members, please remember that ATM withdrawals and POS purchases are expensive and it is recommended that you withdraw larger amounts less often.
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Did you know?
Every five years Tallinn hosts the Song and Dance Festivals. At the last celebration in 2009, 34,000 people performed in front of an audience of 200,000.
Our Current Rates
(as of May 1 2014)
Premium Savings = 1.30%
GIC's Non-Redeemable
1 YR = 1.40%
2 YR = 1.70%
3 YR = 2.00%
4 YR = 2.10%
5 YR = 2.30%
VAR. = 1.40%
1 YR = 1.50%
2 YR = 1.80%
3 YR = 2.10%
4 YR = 2.20%
5 YR = 2.40%
Contact Information
Tel: (416) 465-4659
Fax: (416) 465-8442
In Estonia: 712-1912
Skype name: estocu
Juuni Ringkiri Kõik vajalik puhkuseks!
Reisiabi Toronto Eesti Ühispangast! Enne puhkusele minekut võid pöörduda meie poole, et saada abi erinevate reisiteenustega. Loe lähemalt reisikindlustuse ja välisvaluuta ostmise kohta. Allpool leiad näpunäiteid, kuidas reisil olles targalt oma rahadega ümber käia.
Osta meie käest välisvaluutat!
Oled suvel reisimas? Tule ja osta erinevate riikide raha meie pangast!
Eurod ja US dollarid on meie kontoris alati olemas ja me võime tellida peaaegu ükskõik millist välisvaluutat vastavalt soovile. Helista meile ja kahe-kolme päeva pärast võid tulla oma rahale järele. Külasta meie kodulehte täpsemaks infoks.
*Suuremate US dollari ja euro summade puhul palume ette helistada, et kindlaks teha, kas kontoris on küllalt sularaha. Vajadusel saame siis seda juurde tellida.
Reisi muretult ja osta CUMIS reisikindlustus Toronto Eesti Ühispanga kaudu!
Reisile minnes tasub end kindlustada igaks juhtumiks, nõnda pakume nüüd koostöös CUMIS kindlustusfirmaga uut teenust.
Külasta meie kodulehte täpsemaks infoks või võta nendega otse ühendust hindade suhtes 1-877-885-2847.
Finantsalaseidnäpunäiteid reisimiseks
Kui plaanid suvist reisi, on tõenäoline, et vajad reisi jooksul raha. Isegi ettemakstud puhkusereiside puhul võib ette tulla õnnetusi või erilisi võimalusi, millest on raske ära öelda („Ma poleks kunagi arvanud, et on olemas punane islandi kalapüügi võrk, millel on minu nimi peal! Ma pean selle saama!“). Alati on hea kõigeks valmis olla ning teada, kuidas saad oma rahale ligi just siis, kui vajad seda kõige rohkem:
Teata oma finantsasutusele ja krediitkaardi kompaniidele, millal oled reisimas ja kus täpselt oled. Nad võivad tavalisest erineva konto- või kaardikasutuse tõttu kaardi tühistada, mis sest et see oled just sina, kes parasjagu proovib osta kallist sari Mumbais.
Tee kindlaks, mis on su limiidid, sest need ei muutu välismaale sõites. See tähendab, et masinast raha välja võttes tuleb arvestada muutuvate vahetuskurssidega, sest limiit on määratud Kanada dollarites.
Võta alati kaasa rohkem kui üks maksevahend. Võib juhtuda, et deebetkaardi süsteem ei toimi, ja kunagi ei või ette teada, kui krediitkaardi kiip või magnetriba saab viga või veelgi hullem, langed varguse ohvriks. Soovitame hoida ühte maksevahendit rahakotist eraldi, näiteks kohvris või teises kotis.
Toronto Eesti Ühispanga liikmetel palume deebetkaarti kasutada suuremate summade puhul, kuna teenus on kallis.
Toronto Eesti Ühispank on meie ühiskonna finantsteenuste pakkuja. Panga liikmed on meile esmatähtsad ja pakkudes vajalikke teenuseid ja produkte proovime olla kõigile abiks. Täpsemaks infoks võib meiega ühendust võtta telefonil (416) 465-4659 ja
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Kas teadsid...
Jooksev hoiuarve = 1.30%
Kinnine tähtajaline hoius
1 YR = 1.40%
2 YR = 1.70%
3 YR = 2.00%
4 YR = 2.10%
5 YR = 2.30%
Registreeritud hoiused (RRSP...)
VAR. = 1.40%
1 YR = 1.50%
2 YR = 1.80%
3 YR = 2.10%
4 YR = 2.20%
5 YR = 2.40%
Tel: (416) 465-4659
Fax: (416) 465-8442
In Estonia: 712-1912
Skype name: estocu
From your first home to your dream home, we're here.
Home Equity Line of Credit FROM 3.50%
First Time Borrower 1 YEAR CLOSED 2.75%
Visit our website for more information about our mortgages, and lines of credit.
Investing 101
Did you know you can buy mutual funds with ECU? Have access to over 2000 options! Open a RRSP, RRIF, TFSA, RESP, LIRA or non-registered account and hold a portfolio of funds featuring many of the best funds available today. Please speak with Heili Orav, a mutual fund specialist with over 10 years' experience, to see what we can offer you.
Heili Orav, MBA
Investment Specialist
What's happening?
Summer Hours
Since Saturday Estonian school classes will be breaking for the summer, we will be moving over to our summer hours. May 10th will be the last Saturday we are open until the fall. Our regular weekday hours will remain the same. Visit our website for a full listing.
The Estonian Credit Union is your community banking solution! Members are our top priority, and giving you the services and products which you need and want is what we're all about. For more information feel free to call us at (416) 465-4659 or email us
Visit our website at
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From your first home to your dream home, we're here.
First Time Borrower 1 YEAR CLOSED 2.75%
Visit our website for more information about our mortgages, and lines of credit.
Investing 101
Did you know you can buy mutual funds with ECU? Have access to over 2000 options! Open a RRSP, RRIF, TFSA, RESP, LIRA or non-registered account and hold a portfolio of funds featuring many of the best funds available today. Please speak with Heili Orav, a mutual fund specialist with over 10 years' experience, to see what we can offer you.
Heili Orav, MBA
Investment Specialist
What's happening?
Summer Hours
Since Saturday Estonian school classes will be breaking for the summer, we will be moving over to our summer hours. May 10th will be the last Saturday we are open until the fall. Our regular weekday hours will remain the same. Visit our website for a full listing.
The Estonian Credit Union is your community banking solution! Members are our top priority, and giving you the services and products which you need and want is what we're all about. For more information feel free to call us at (416) 465-4659 or email us
Visit our website at
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From your first home to your dream home, we're here.
Home Equity Line of Credit FROM 3.50%
First Time Borrower 1 YEAR CLOSED 2.75%
Visit our website for more information about our mortgages,and lines of credit.
Estonian Credit Union
958 Broadview Ave
Toronto Ontario M4K2R6