USA kõige populaarsem telekanal Fox News vallandas esmaspäeval, 24. aprillil, oma kõige populaarsema saatejuhi Tucker Carlsoni.
Teistel suurtel USA telekanalitel on vaatajaid umbes pool miljonit, samal ajal kui Carlsoni saadet vaatavad rohkem kui kaks ja pool miljonit inimest.
Eesti peavoolu meedia on tembeldanud Carlsoni parem-äärmuslikuks vandenõuteoristiks ja väitnud, et ta vallandati seetõttu, et Fox News kaotas kohtus hagi Dominion valimismasinate kompanii vastu, sest mõned Fox telekanali ajakirjanikud olid väitnud, et Trump kaotas valimised, sest Dominiooni masinad andsid vale tulemusi.
Eesti peavoolu meedias avaldatu ei vasta tõele. Carlson on konservatiivsete vaadetega ajakirjanik, kelle uudiste reportaaž on peaaegu eranditult tõetruud ja arvamused arukad - ühe tähtsa erandiga.
Erandiks on see, et Carlson on järjekindlalt pooldanuid Vene-Ukraina sõjas Putinit ja Putini Venemaad.
Näib, et Fox News omaniku Rupert Murdochi poeg Lachlan Murdoch otsustas vallandada Carlsoni pärast seda kui Carlson väitis oma viimases saates, et Ameerika Ühendriigid hoiavad "salajasi bio laboreid" ja "tundlikku tuumatehnoloogiat" primitiivses riigis nagu Ukraina. See jättis paljudele vaatajatele mulje, et USA aitab Ukrainat salajaste bioloogiliste relvade uuringutega ja isegi tuumarelvadega.
Murdochid on kuulsad selle poolest, et nad lubavad oma saatejuhtidel ja ajakirjanikel avaldada Fox telekanalis igasuguseid arvamusi, aga näib, et nad pole juba pikemat aega olnud nõus sellega, et Carlson tembeldab Ukraina valitsust ja president Volodõmõr Zelenskit "lootusetult korrumpeerunuks." Selline "propaganda" on ilmselt teretulnud Vene türannile Vladimir Putinile. Neid Carlsoni väiteid kordavad Vene uudistekanalid lõputult, et õigustada Putini jõhkrat sissetungi Ukrainasse.
Hiljuti pidas Lachlan Murdoch sõbraliku vestluse Ukraina presidendi Zelenskiga mille kõigus ta tegi ka annetuse Ukraina ajakirjanike toetus fondile. Küllap aitas ka see vestlus teha Carlsoni vallandamise otsust.
Carlson on olnud pikemat aega mõjuvõimas saatejuht kes on propageerinud Ukraina abistamise lõpetamist. USA kongressis ongi varasem üksmeelne Ukraina toetus kahanemas. See on halb uudis ka Eestile ja eestlastele. Ukrainlaste sõda Putini Venemaa vastu on sõda ka Eesti eest.
Jääme lootma, et Murdoch asendab Carlsoni saatejuhiga kes on sama andekas ja kes saab sama populaarseks, kuid kelle arukuses ja tõetruuduses pole Putinit ja Venemaad soosivaid erandeid.
Jüri Toomepuu: Tucker Carlsoni vallandamise tegelikud põhjused (9)
Eestlased USAs | 26 Apr 2023 | Jüri ToomepuuEWR
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Wow! I never knew that the author had such interesting views of the world. Whereas has it even occurred to the author that Lachlan Murdoch could be more sympathetic to Ukraine because his mother Anna is a quarter Estonian?
Whether Ukraine is corrupt or is not, if you are concerned for Estonian Independence you would be relieved that Lachlan Murdoch is supporting Ukraine and not Putin or anyone who is sympathetic to Putin.
As for this Tucker person he may have the most viewers but his shows are not bringing in the advertisers. The advertisers and the money behind the advertisers were not his fans. For them Tucker is a liability as he is for educated and respected Americans.
Someone should research why any Estonians in the US would even watch his shows. Does it go back to when Estonians were not free and when they were the property of German landowners? Some Estonians may still need to be told how to think and what to think, what is right and what is wrong.
We are suffering from this here in the Estonian community in Toronto, but not with Tucker. We have our own influencer in Toronto who some really want and need to believe.
I think we need to learn more about how propaganda works so that Estonians can be helped over that hurdle and learn to read their own material and make their own educated decisions.
Sadly having a university education does not make a person more knowledgeable.
Whether Ukraine is corrupt or is not, if you are concerned for Estonian Independence you would be relieved that Lachlan Murdoch is supporting Ukraine and not Putin or anyone who is sympathetic to Putin.
As for this Tucker person he may have the most viewers but his shows are not bringing in the advertisers. The advertisers and the money behind the advertisers were not his fans. For them Tucker is a liability as he is for educated and respected Americans.
Someone should research why any Estonians in the US would even watch his shows. Does it go back to when Estonians were not free and when they were the property of German landowners? Some Estonians may still need to be told how to think and what to think, what is right and what is wrong.
We are suffering from this here in the Estonian community in Toronto, but not with Tucker. We have our own influencer in Toronto who some really want and need to believe.
I think we need to learn more about how propaganda works so that Estonians can be helped over that hurdle and learn to read their own material and make their own educated decisions.
Sadly having a university education does not make a person more knowledgeable.
direct words from RFK Jr.
are you suggesting people aren't permitted to have a dissenting opinion of the Covid vax? What governmental regime do you live under...
Oh wait we live in Canada, never mind.
are you suggesting people aren't permitted to have a dissenting opinion of the Covid vax? What governmental regime do you live under...
Oh wait we live in Canada, never mind.
Eestlased USAs