Kapo’s annual report makes one think, says security/intelligence watchdog
Eestlased Eestis | 26 Apr 2013  | EL (Estonian Life)Eesti Elu
Laas Leivat

Peep Aru, the chairman of the Estonian parliament’s security/intelligence review committee states that Kapo’s, the national security agency, annual public report contains information of which citizens should be mindful.

He specifically referred to the activity of Russian intelligence operatives in Estonia and that Estonians should accordingly be informed. Answering criticism about the necessity for releasing sensitive information, Aru said that Kapo has a responsibility to release the possible national security concerns of the republic while being careful to protect the integrity and the sources of intelligence data. He also supported this year’s more detailed analysis of Russia’s use of „soft power”, and their enhancement of humint (human intelligence activity) rather than electronic methods. Aru added that national security could be improved with more effective protection of state secrets, lower levels of corruption and the minimizing of the threat of terrorism.

Kapo’s annual report focussed on specific national security concerns; amongst others was the necessity for background checks on individuals with access to state secrets. The common risks are individuals who live above their means, making them vulnerable to influence from the clandestine services of foreign powers. A control mechanism was the requirement for gamblers who frequent casinos to register and identify themselves at the casino using a recognized ID document. Kapo admits that the initial effectiveness of the requirement has diminished, as gamblers are no longer embarrassed in identifying themselves with some finding outlets for gambling on the internet. (Loe rohkem 26.aprilli paberlehest)
Eestlased Eestis