Karis: Stalin must have smiled listening to Putin (5)
Eestlased Eestis | 22 Feb 2023  | EWR OnlineEWR
Estonian President Alar Karis. FOTO: Arno Mikkor - pics/2023/02/60017_001.jpg
Estonian President Alar Karis. FOTO: Arno Mikkor
Commenting on Russia's President Vladimir Putin's speech to the Russian Federal Assembly, Estonian President Alar Karis wrote on social media that Stalin would have been proud.

"If anyone was thinking Russia is interested in peace any time soon, then think again," wrote Karis.

"Today's speech made it clear - Moscow's aims are unchanged, they are ready for a long and hostile confrontation with the West and will not tolerate internal dissent," the Estonian President continued.

"Stalin must have smiled in his grave," wrote Karis.

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In his speech on Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he will continue the war in Ukraine until Russia's objectives are achieved.
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Really-le24 Feb 2023 12:12
Ta on ùks pahur siga. Kùll on kàrss kàrnas ja siis on ma kùlmanud..
Really?24 Feb 2023 08:56
Bla blah blah blah..back to the nuthouse with you!
bob24 Feb 2023 05:13
The infectious toxic influence of Leon Trotsky lives on today in the form of both false left-right dialectic Trotskyite neo-liberalism and neo-Marxism.

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Eestlased Eestis
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