KESKUS is looking for additional funds from Estonia (79)
Eestlased Kanadas | 14 May 2024  | EWR OnlineEWR
KESKUS construction site, Aug 2023
The KESKUS project does not have enough money to complete the construction and is looking for additional funds from Estonia, writes Aimar Altosaar in Estonia's Postimees.

The general manager of the KESKUS project, Ellen Valter, and the president of the Estonian House in Toronto, Veiko Parming, are fundraising in Estonia, because they are convinced that KESKUS, as part of the soft power of Estonians, will become an important link in Estonia's international security network.

"We want to tell the story of Estonia in North America, bring Estonia to those who already have a good impression of the country. That way we can make them friends of Estonia," said Parming and added that KESKUS would show Estonian entrepreneurship and the building would embody modern Estonia. On the other hand, the old Estonian House in Toronto, the proceeds of which went to establish KESKUS, embodied the pre-war republic and resistance to the Soviet occupation.

Estonia's support is necessary

Parming said that he hopes to find the support and sympathy of the Estonian state and native Estonians for the KESKUS project.

"Foreign Estonians have done a lot of work for this. We have already collected large sums of money from families and associations here, and we are ready to carry on most of the burden for the project, which will bring a lot of good to the entire Estonian population. We want to hope that the people and entrepreneurs of Estonia and, in short, the Estonian state will think about it, because we still lack the money to complete it. KESKUS will be our flagship, which in turn will support other networks and enterprises. We have something to be proud of, and Estonians have their own story to tell!"

According to Postimees, the KESKUS project is missing at least 6 million dollars.

In October 2020, Ellen Valter ruled out looking for support from the Estonian state and said that all community activities will continue in the old Estonian House until the KESKUS is built. Estonian House closed its doors in October 2022.

The original budget of the project was approx. 18 million dollars, but this quickly ballooned in several steps to 41, 47 and now to 50 million dollars. The KESKUS is also several years behind schedule, the latest projected opening date is in September 2025.


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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
The Saga Continues...12 Jun 2024 13:15
Einstein, Tv, McDuck, Virtuoso, Northern Esto, Notice, Friend of EH, Visionary, Doing your own research is key, Exactly et al.

whatever your nom de guerre is today, why do you request answers when you don't or won't?

Close to a week has gone by why won't you answer this simple question?

Why won't the Glass Box person respond to "please explain what you see as the "POINT"?"

Scarlett person Who is "Ms. T" and which couple is this referring to? "I ask, Why are we being held hostage by a divorced couple? Nepotism? Wake Up Toronto!!!!"
Forte09 Jun 2024 14:54
Your petulent sense of entitlement is irritating. Things worth doing take effort. EH was dump, to put it mildly. A few years of hardship will be well worth it once the marvel that is keskus opens. Resign yourself to the fact that it will be done. Second guessing the will of the community now is childish and unproductive. And if your dont like the direction things are going, you can always leave.
Damage assessment09 Jun 2024 13:04
How do you measure the damage inflicted upon the Toronto Estonian community by the sale of the Estonian House at 958 Broadview Avenue and the quixotic Keskus project slated to be built on Madison Avenue beside Tartu College. Aside from the splitting of the community with regards to the Keskus project and the anger and frustration it has generated here are some significant losses the Estonian community has to live with. First and foremost we have lost a meeting place for community members to hold birthdays, wakes, weddings, confirmation parties and simply get-togethers with more than ample parking. We have lost a permanent stage, a shooting gallery, an Estonian artifacts store, an art gallery and Estonian school classrooms. Scout and guide troops now have to utilize Estonian church grounds to conduct their meetings. This Keskus project is promoted and touted as the new age Estonian international business centre. So basically the losses sustained by the community members and groups are of no importance or significance to the bankers and business gurus to conduct their Estonian business at this plus $50 million Keskus global flagship endeavour. This raises a rather pertinent question. Would we have been able to divert these losses by investing $5-10 million in upgrading the Estonian House at 958 Broadview Avenue instead of the Keskus project?

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Eestlased Kanadas