Konverents „Tagasi koju?“ (2)
Eestlased Eestis | 13 Apr 2007  | EEEWR
Tänase lehe arvamuste leheküljel on Karl Arro huvitav artikkel „Tagasi Eestisse“, milles käsitletakse väliseestlaste kodumaale tagasipöördumise probleeme. Selle teema edasiarendamiseks toimub 17. mail
Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu konverentsisaalis korporatsioon Rotalia poolt korraldatav konverents „Tagasi koju?”, mis käsitleb eestlaste repatrieerumist. Konverentsil esineb ettekandega ka prof. Tiina Kirss.

Korporatsioon Rotalia on ka varem Eesti ühiskonna jaoks olulistel teemadel kaasa rääkinud. Aastatel 2000 ja 2004 käsitleti meie lähiajaloo sõlmküsimusi ajalookonverentsidel Jüri Uluotsast ja Otto Tiefist – mõlemad üritused leidsid laialdast vastukaja.

Käesoleva konverentsi eesmärgiks on edendada arusaamist repatrieerumisest ning sellega kaasnevatest mõjudest. Üha tiheneva rahvusvahelise integratsiooni, rahvastiku vähenemise ja teiste ühiskondlike protsesside taustal on laiem diskussioon repatrieerumisest vägagi vajalik. Konverentsi eesmärgi täitmiseks plaanitakse vaadelda repatrieerumise erinevaid aspekte, repatrieerumise sotsioloogilisi, majanduslikke, kulturoloogilisi, demograafilisi jt tahkusid.

Konverentsi ettekanded koondatakse konverentsikogumikku, millele lisatakse ka repatrieerunud korporatsioon Rotalia liikmete elulood. Kogumik tehakse kättesaadavaks ka väljaspool Eestit.

Konverentsi kava

12.00-12.10 Avasõnavõtud.

12.10-12.50 Rein Grabbi (korporatsioon Rotalia vilistlane)
50 aastat paguluses ja repatrieerumine. Ühe tagasitulija isiklik kogemus pensioniealise vaatenurgast.

12.50-13.30 Ede Teinbas (Sihtasutus Eesti Migratsioonifond, juhataja)
Tagasipöördumise riiklik toetamine. Sihtasutuse Eesti Migratsioonifond rollist Eestisse tagasipöördumisel/[i].

13.30-14.10 Ott-Siim Toomet (Tartu Ülikooli majandusteaduskond, majandusteooria teadur)
[i]Tagasi Eestisse? Mida Sa võidad ja mida Sa kaotad

14.10-14.50 Anu Realo (Tartu Ülikooli sotsiaalteaduskond, isiksusepsühholoogia vanemteadur)
Unistus Eestist.

15.20-15.50 Tiit Tammaru (Välis-Eesti Uuringute Keskus, juhataja)
Eestlaste tagasiränne 1989-2000.

15.50-16.30 Ain Haas (Indiana University, sotsioloogia professor)
Läänest tulnute ootused, üllatused ja soovitused.

16.30-17.10 Tiina Kirss (Tartu Ülikooli filosoofiateaduskond, eesti kirjanduse professor)
Opteerumine eile ja täna.

17.10-17.50 Rein Taagepera (Tartu Ülikool, University of California, emeriitprofessor, korporatsioon Rotalia vilistlane)
Kuidas kodumaa tõmbab ja tõrjub?

18.30-21.00 Pidulik koosviibimine korporatsioon Rotalia konvendihoones Tähe 3.

Konverentsi moderaator: Toivo Klaar (korporatsioon Rotalia vilistlane)

Konverentsi korralduskomitee juht: Oliver Lukason (korporatsioon Rotalia vilistlane)
GSM: 51 196 74


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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Uno Raudkivi15 Apr 2007 01:20
Part II

These rulers of the post-communist country of Estonia evidently have not come to realize, that any country declaring itself independent from its former oppressor, can’t just sit down half way to the goalposts and say “we have done it”. That was not the way it was done in America in 1776, in Estonia in 1918, nor even in Estonia in 1944. You can either win or lose honorably, but when you just quit, no friend or foe can ever again respect you.

As I said before, the rulers of Estonia keep their political motives behind the cloud of secrecy. Evidently, they thought that Russia is envious of us because we are so “small and gumptious”. That is why our diplomats may have thought it best to start a war of propaganda against them.

Why did not the EU members support us, like the USA did, against Tšurkin’s “little Nazi country” accusation against Estonia? That’s a tough question which should have troubled our diplomats. My guess is that the EU membes may not have respected us enough because we had proven to be quitters. I sent a letter to EU Council asking concerning this matter. They pomised to send me an answer which I hope to receive soon.

When will Estonia ever learn that you cannot let a nation be run forever by the polititians who rule by emotions which are in conflict with rational thinking?Politics in Estonia can still shown to be dominated by 40 years (1950 -1990) teaching in the spirit of Stalinism in the schools of Estonia. Up to the time when the armed resistance against terror of Stalinism was smothered (approx.1953), political emotions in Estonia were in harmony with rational thinking.Demonizing the Estonian war-veterans who had sworn to fight only the bolševiks (Stalin’s Red Army), should convince anybody which side of the emotional divide our rulers are sailing now.

Another question to puzzle over. Why Estonia still hesitates to declare itself legal successor country to the pre-war Republic of Estonia? I can see this do nothing but good in remedying the ambiguous and knotty minority relations in our country. Packing these relations into an orderly legal framework in which everbody can feel comfortable and safe like all the minorities did in our pre-war republic. Most needful correction is to state in unmistakeable words in our constitution that the state-initiated migration of Russian speaking citizens of the USSR to colonize the 1/3 of the occupied Estonian territory was illegal and could never be considered as a legal immigration into the Republic of Estonia. This modification in our constitution would also take wind out of the Russian legal arguments that Estonian SSR was a legal successor state to the pre-war Estonia and that the USSR liberated Estonia in 1940 and 1944.

Autor: Uno Raudkivi
Uno Raudkivi15 Apr 2007 01:14
Part I

From: Uno Raudkiviuno.raudkivi@neti.ee
To: eetoimetus@eestielu.caeetoimetus@eestielu.ca
Sent: 12. aprill 2007. a. 21:47
Subject: Artikkel avaldamiseks

Emotions conflicting with rational thinking in Estonian politics.

Estonian government has adopted a doctrine of keeping the internal policies of the state separate from its external policies. That makes it impossible for its citizens, like myself, to find out how its foreign service portrays Estonia’s legalistic problems with the Russian Federation to the outside world.

For those reasons, I find it most frustrating being unable to peek into the arguments that our foreign service uses to protect Estonia and its citizens (especially its war-veterans) against Russian charges. News-evidence shows, that they use lame arguments to protect the reputation of the state of Estonia and avoid altogether responding to the accusations against the Estonian war-veterans.

Here are two excerpts (translation UR) taken from an (Estonian language) article “Vene esindaja ÜROs ässitab natsikütte” (DELFI, Nov.18., 2006)


/.../ The permanent member of Russia in UN Vitali Tšurkin offered hope that, in EU and USA will be noticed how in Estonia and Latvia memorial-rites for Waffen-SS combatants take place./.../
/.../ Russia started the resolution deploring the glorification of Nazism. 107 nations voted YES to this resolution, USA voted NO and the EU members stayed neutral on this issue./.../

Why the EU members did not follow the example of the United States voting NO to the resolution? More importantly, why Estonian delegation to the conference did not respond to this “little Nazi country” accusation of Tšurkin more forthrightly instead of merely declaring this dumb-witted propaganda war against Russia?

Weren’t Tšurkin’s words clear enough that he was poiniting his accusing finger straight at the Estonian war-veterans who had sworn to fight only against the bolševiks (Stalin’s Red Army)? Didn’t the rulers of Estonia, since the firmhanded “anti-Nazi” president Arnold Rüütel came to power, had not enough evidence to present to satisfy Tšurkin - in words and deeds, of vilification of afore-mentioned war-veterans and physicsl violence used against at least one of their memorial markers?

Evidently, the answers to these questions are hidden in envelopes marked “state secret“. For example, why the memorial markers which displayed only the symbol of the heart of the Cross of Freedom (the Estonian War of Independence medal of valor) and the veterans flags carrying this symbol were, and still are, targeted for scorn by the rulers of Estonia? Again, why these Estonian diplomats did not ask Tšurkin to name just one “Nazi memorial rite” that had been performed, and where, after this last deplorable desecration by the Estonian rulers took place, of a soldiers’ memorial marker that has been consecrated by an ordained glergy.
*Continued - Part II*

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Eestlased Eestis