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Sport | 19 May 2009  | EWR
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Six sports-themed events this summer!

Koostanud Eesti Sihtkapital Kanadas /
compiled by the National Estonian Foundation of Canada

- Kalevi-Jõekääru võrkpalli laager
- Ritmika 29. kevad esinemine
- Kalev Estienne kevad esinmine
- Montreali Eesti Seltsi golfiturniir
- Kotkajärve Metsaülikool "Sport ja tervis...terviseks!"
- EGO Golfiturniir

Udora, ON:

Jõekääru lastelaagri ja Kalevi Jõekääru võrkpallilaagri

hinnaalandusega registreerimise tähtaega on pikendatud kuni 22. maini,
sellepärast et JSSil on probleeme olnud kodulehega.

Info ja registreerimise lehed on ainult saadavad JSS UUEL kodulehel: www.joekaaru.com
(mitte .ca )

Kui leiate, et kodulehega on ikka probleem, siis saatke registreerijale email ja ta saadab teile
info ja registreerimise vormid:
Jõekääru lastelaager - kontakt: -hinnaalandus: $325/nädal
Kalevi Jõekääru võrkpallilaager - kontakt: - hinnaalandus: $350/nädal

Jõekääru Suvekodu Seltsi juhatus vabandab probleemide pärast.


Early registration dates have been extended from May 15th to May 22 for
Jõekääru Children's Camp and Kalev - Jõekääru Volleyball Camp.
because we have been experiencing problems with our web site.

The information and forms should now be available on our NEW www.joekaaru.com site,
(but not on our .ca site).

If you are still experiencing problems accessing the forms, please email our camp registrars and they will send you all the information and forms:
Jõekääru Children's Camp - contact - discounted rate @ $325/week

Kalev - Jõekääru Volleyball Camp - contact - discounted rate @ $350/week

We apologize for the problems.
Jõekääru Suvekodu Selts

Ritmika 29. kevadesinemine /
Ritmika's 29th Annual Spring Show

Koht/Location: York University Sandra Faire and Ivan Fecan Theatre
23. mail 2009 kell 13.00 - 15.00 / May 23rd, 2009 1 pm to 3 pm

Piletid / tickets: https://secure1.tixhub.com/yor...


Kalev Estienne'i kevadesinmine /
Kalev Spring Show

Rythmic gymnastics

Koht/Location: Young People's Theatre, 165 Young Street East
24. mail 2009 kell 14.30 / May 24th, 2009 2:30 pm

Piletid / tickets: $10; $20 for family of four



Montreali Eesti Seltsi golfiturniir /
Montreal Estonian Society Golf Tournament

Koht/Location: Golf & Auberge Oasis Club
31. juulil 2009 kell 10.00 / July 31st, 2009 10 am

registreerimise vorm veebilehel maikuu lõpupool/
registration form will be available on website at the end of May

Huntsville, ON:

Kotkajärve Metsaülikool "Sport ja tervis...terviseks!"
Estonian language retreat "Forest University" / theme: sports and health

15. - 22. augustini 2009

Kõnelema tuleb maailma kõigi kontinentide kõrgeimate tippude vallutanud alpinist ALAR SIKK

Teised kõnelejad Eestist:
Aastate eest diplomaadina töötanud ja hiljem Iraagi valitsust nõustanud EERIK-NIILES KROSS nõustab nüüd Gruusia valitsust;
Fenno-Ugria Asutuse nõunik JAAK PROZES kõneleb eestlaste hõimurahvastest, soome-ugrilastest;
EV kaitseatashee USAs ja Kanadas MEELIS KIILI;
Mitmeid kordi Tartu linna parimaks tantsuõpetajaks valitud ANITA KREEN ja teised Kanadast ja mujalt!

Kotkajärve Metsaülikool offers an opportunity for participants to enjoy lectures and activities in Estonian.
NB: Full fluency in Estonian is not a prerequisite for attending; however, lectures and activities will be held in Estonian and participants are asked to respect the desire of particpants to experience the Estonian language immersion experience. The only language requirement is that whoever attends has a desire to speak Estonian and improve their proficiency in Estonian. There will also be Estonian beginners language sessions, and most people will be glad to help here and there with translations.

Uxbridge, ON:
EGO Golfiturniir /
EGO Golf Tournament

GO Masters 14th Annual Golf Tournament - promoted by EGO + ESK

Saturday September 19, 2009

Mill Run Golf Club - 269 Durham Road 8, Uxbridge

13:00 shotgun start
12:00 putting contest

Championship and Scramble formats
Raffle - 50/50 - mens' + ladies' longest drive, closest to and many more
FEES: $140 ($95 for under 25)

REGISTER BY AUGUST 1ST - for personalized EGO tournament towel

Contact for more information

The NATIONAL ESTONIAN FOUNDATION OF CANADA (NEFC) supports activities, which enrich the Estonian community in Canada!
We hope that you will forward this notice to your friends and family whom you feel may be interested and encourage them to volunteer their contact information to us at , so that we may e-mail the newsletter to them directly in the future.

EESTI SIHTKAPITAL KANADAS (ESK) toetab jätkuvalt Kanada eestlaste tegevust!

Kui keegi teie tuttavatest soovib saada ESK ringkirja e-posti teel, siis paluge neid võtta ühendust

Submit your Estonian community event to our newsletter by emailing the details to
Oma ürituse saate avaldada ESK ringkirjas, saates e-posti:

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