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Laas Leivat: Autocracy creeping into established democracies
22 Sep 2023 Laas Leivat
Laas Leivat - pics/2019/06/53773_001_t.jpg
Laas Leivat
It’s observed that nearly half of European democracies are in decline. A total of 17 countries have suffered erosion in the last five years, and as democracy still remains the dominant form of government in Europe, this represents 46% of high-performance democracies.

Democracies have been undermined by problems ranging from restrictions on freedom of expression to distrust in the legitimacy of elections, according to a new report by the intergovernmental organization, the Stockholm-based International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA).

To many it would be alarming that nearly have of Europe suffers from a weakening democracy. Among many indicators, International Idea has also taken into account the influence that the Covid pandemic and electoral irregularities have had in these developments. Some observers agree that the most serious symptoms have been tied to Kremlin-friendly Serbia, anti-Russian-sanctions Hungary and Poland.

The usual procedures aimed at monitoring institutional and legal systems do not address the informal exercise of power politics that is more difficult to identify than formal mechanisms of repression.
This decline comes as elected leaders face unprecedented challenges from Russia’s war in Ukraine, cost of living crises, a looming global recession and climate change. It’s been observed that European ‘poised-to-become autocrats’ and those already entrenched at the helm typically display lukewarm support for Ukraine and/or echo the Kremlin’s narrative for justifying the war.

(Pikemalt saab lugeda Eesti Elu 22. septembri 2023 paber- või digilehest