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Laas Leivat: Disinformation and propaganda – sometimes same, sometimes different
21 Jul 2023 Laas Leivat
Laas Leivat - pics/2019/06/53773_001_t.jpg
Laas Leivat
In some romance languages, the word ‘propaganda’ denotes advertising and isn’t necessarily negative as taken often in English. It’s neither good or bad, but depends on how it’s practiced.

The following are observations that contrasts propaganda with disinformation – both seen as persuading or manipulating public opinion. In this context, propaganda often spreads exaggerations and/or falsehoods to support leaders, causes, governments etc. Disinformation does this always.

(So that we understand the differences in information types: ‘mis-information’ is created accidentally, with no intention to harm; ‘dis-information’ intends to harm by spreading false info; ‘mal-information’ is also meant to cause harm through hate speech, intimidation etc.)

It’s said that distinctly biased or misleading information is consistently targeted to a select audience and we are fed this from day to day. Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf‘ disclosed his approach to effective propaganda: avoid abstractions, appeal to the emotions. Use only a few ideas, repetitively. Use one-sided arguments. Criticize opponents. Choose one special enemy. Disparage him relentlessly.

(Pikemalt saab lugeda Eesti Elu 21. Juuli 2023 paber- ja digilehest)