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Laas Leivat: Kremlin narrative sneaks into Estonian on-line discourse
11 Aug 2023 Laas Leivat
Laas Leivat - pics/2019/06/53773_001_t.jpg
Laas Leivat
Picture this: Three well-spoken Estonians in an on-line podcast lamenting the political destruction of Estonia and the social decadence the current coalition government is promoting.

Their self-confidence and their ideological absolutism reflect a deep commitment to a cause. The podcast called ‘American Voice’ was from a website called ‘EESTI EEST!’, the online, USA-based portal of EKRE. The name ‘EESTI EEST!’ portrays a vigilant, pro-Estonian image.

But when a framed photo of Mr. Trump is seen on the wall behind the host of the podcast, one’s established perception of ‘EESTI EEST!’ is confirmed – that it’s a typical far-right Internet portal that professes an existence of a ‘deep state’, calls COVID19 vaccinations a conspiracy of the profit-hungry pharmaceutical industry, rejects main-stream media, etc.

It’s interesting to note that a few generations ago, pictures of Päts, Tõnisson and Laidoner were displayed out of respect and as a memorial to them as victims of Communist repression. Mr. Trump, now re-branding himself as a victim, gets similar recognition.

(Pikemalt saab lugeda 11. augusti 2023 Eesti Elu paber- või digilehest