Eesti Elu
Laas Leivat: Peacemaker par excellence, c’est moi! Really? (20)
Eestlased Kanadas | 06 Apr 2023  | Eesti Elu
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 - pics/2019/06/53773_001_t.jpg
Anticipating numerous criminal charges, Mr. Trump flashed his usual arrogant confidence by claiming he could end the year-long war in 24 hours.

It’s a posture he projected as a presidential candidate in 2016 and an image that has gained increased support within the GOP, especially amongst those Trump loyalists who have vowed to end US support for Ukraine.

Yes, Trump’s acolytes have already labelled him the peace president reminding us that he’s the first leader in two generations not to start a war. (One can argue what is meant by “start” in this context.)

Trump refused to back his claim with details, but he cited his mutual admiration relationship with Putin as a major factor in ending the conflict. Trump’s affinity for Russia itself can be traced back to the mid-80’s, when it was alleged that the Trump Organization was willing to gift Putin a $50 million penthouse if a deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow was approved.

Trump’s praise for Putin during his White House years was even more revealing. In his 2018 trip to Helsinki, Trump called the Western press the “true enemy of the people” – common buzzwords in Russian propaganda. This was followed by a joint press conference with Putin in which he rejected the credibility of his own intelligence agencies and fawningly accepted Putin at his word.

The late Republican Senator John McCain called it “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in recent history” who had “debased himself… abjectly before a tyrant”. Trump shamed himself again as he applauded Putin’s “savvy” and “genius” when the latter formally recognized the “independence” of Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine. This all just 48 hours before Russia’s attack on February 24, 2022.

(Pikemalt saab lugeda Eesti Elu 6. aprilli 2023 paber- ja digilehest)

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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Singh for PM16 Apr 2023 16:47
Idiotic comment but common from the far right when they lose. Dangerous game they play when they attempt to undermine the very systems of government we cherish. These people belong in jail.
to - Laas Leivat15 Apr 2023 07:55
For perspective, we must ask, "compared to whom?" as we appraise politicians.Video link:
inimkonnale14 Apr 2023 14:59
Psalmid (Laulud)36:Jumala muutumatu heldus
1 Laulujuhatajale: Issanda sulase Taaveti laul.

2 Üleastumise sõna on õelal
tema südame põhjas;
ei ole Jumala kartust
tema silma ees.
3 Sest temale meeldib arvata,
et ta ülekohut ei leita ega vihata.
4 Tema suu sõnad on nurjatus ja pettus,
ta on lakanud targaks saamast
ja head tegemast;
5 ta mõtleb nurjatust oma voodis,
ta jääb seisma teele, mis pole hea,
ta ei põlga kurja.

6 Issand, sinu heldus on taevas
ja su ustavus ulatub ülemate pilvedeni.
7 Sinu õigus on nagu Jumala mäed,
su kohtuotsused on nagu suur ürgvesi;
Issand, sa päästad inimesi ja loomi.
8 Kui kallis on su heldus, Jumal!
Sellepärast otsivad inimlapsed pelgupaika
su tiibade varju all.
9 Nad saavad söönuks su koja küllusest,
ja sa joodad neid oma rõõmujoovastuse ojast.
10 Sest sinu juures on eluallikas,
sinu valguses me näeme valgust.

11 Säilita oma heldus neile,
kes sind tunnevad,
ja oma õigus neile,
kes on õiglased südamelt!
12 Ärgu tallaku suurelise jalg mu peal
ja õelate käsi ärgu peletagu mind!
13 Seal on kukkunud,
kes teevad nurjatust;
nad on maha paisatud
ega suuda enam tõusta.

Loe kõiki kommentaare (20)

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