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Laas Leivat: Putin’s narrative being delivered by our own VIDEO
17 Mar 2023 Laas Leivat
Recently I viewed a lengthy interview featuring Col. Doug Macgregor, a US veteran of the Gulf War. He had served as a military advisor during Mr. Trump’s administration. The latter nominated him to be the US ambassador to Germany, but this failed to receive Senate confirmation.

The colonel’s narrative could well have been scripted by the Kremlin’s top propagandists. The video was shared among an interest group – erstwhile members of our Estonian community – which resolutely supports Ukraine.

The video’s content makes one curious: Does the group self-identify with Macgregor’s opinions? Do they consider Macgregor to be a trustworthy expert? Are they simply curious about twisted worldviews? Do they know Macgregor’s background? Are they intentionally exposing unsophisticated messaging spread by Putin’s disinformation apparatus?

I prefer the latter, that they recognize Macgregor for what he is. His message was a ham-fisted mixture of predictions of a Russian victory, a condemnation of corruption in Ukraine, a disdainful evaluation of the US military brass, typical regret for Ukrainian people, etc. Credible facts blended with abject falsehoods and clumsy distortions were classically presented by a self-assured, seemingly committed military expert.

The video didn’t reveal Macgregor’s affiliation with the Kremlin’s main exporter of Russian propaganda – RT (Russia Today). He has often contributed to the Novosti-owned TV network and helped Moscow’s messaging. Russia recognized his potency for the Russian propaganda apparatus. Similarly, Moscow has also found merit in using other public figures such as US military retiree, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, National Security Adviser to Mr. Trump, who was paid $40,000 to attend RT’s anniversary celebrations along with Jess Ventura, former wrestler and state governor and others.

Well-known US personalities of various stripes and inclinations – anti-vaxxers, entertainment industry personalities, legal experts, journalists, Putin apologists – Dennis Miller, Peter Lavelle, Max Keiser, Larry King, Rick Sanchez, Ben Swann, etc., – have had their own broadcast slots on RT before it closed its American operations. Although RT had mainly been using the missive of the West’s far right, it has also shared viewpoints from across the political spectrum, including the fringe left.

(Pikemalt saab lugeda Eesti Elu 17. märtsi 2023 paber- ja digilehest)