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Laulupidu at Seedrioru
28 Feb 2024 EWR Online
Estonian National Public Mixed Choir in front of Seedrioru's monument (erected 1959) commemorating all those who lost their lives in defense of Estonia's freedom - pics/2024/02/60858_001_t.jpg
Estonian National Public Mixed Choir in front of Seedrioru's monument (erected 1959) commemorating all those who lost their lives in defense of Estonia's freedom
From the very first song festival in 1956, every four years Southern Ontario's Estonian Community and Cultural Centre 'Seedrioru' (Cedar Vale) has been hosting celebrations of Estonian music and culture.

This summer, on the weekend of June 28th, Seedrioru's beautiful Grand River property will for the 9th time resonate with melodious song. Along with choirs from all over Ontario and USA, the festival is proud to host two professional choirs from Estonia. Tartu RahvaÜlikooli Segakoor (Tartu Folk Post Secondary Mixed Choir – Dir Lauri Breede) and Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu Segakoor (Estonian National Public Mixed Choir – Dir Hirvo Surva).

Both choirs have performed in and won choral competitions around the world. The Estonian culture is rich with song and Seedrioru invites you to come enjoy this weekend of Estonian culture at their picturesque Grand River property.

Numerous activities will also be happening including beach volleyball tournament, chess tournament, swimming, and nightly bonfires. Overnight camping is available. The two Estonian choirs will perform Saturday evening and join a 200+ strong mixed choir on Sunday afternoon in the grand finale.

Ticket information and more details at