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Meelejahutus | 11 Sep 2004 | EWR
ago55 artiklile Teet Kalmus: Putin vestab muinasjutte...: ..."Eesti rahvas peaks naasma talupojamõistuse juurde ja seadma esiplaanile vaid selle, mis on oluline meie rahvusriigi ja eestluse püsimisele ja ellujäämisele. .." On, ... ja ei ole ka....
Northern Esto artiklile St. Peter's: From the Brink - Into a New...: A very well written article. Great to see that such progress has been made in a short time. The KESKUS cult, which has caused so much division in our community, must be furious about our church being...
lisaks artiklile Teet Kalmus: Putin vestab muinasjutte...:
emr artiklile Läänemerel katkesid kaks merealust...: millal m/s Estonia kräshiga seoses tuleb selline pealkiri...🤔
Õ artiklile St. Peter's: From the Brink - Into a New...: Please stop spewing out total nonsense about coup d'état, unelected council, etc. You don't know what you are talking about, total fake news. And stop hiding, Kõditaja, Lafayette, 'On...
To Goer artiklile St. Peter's: From the Brink - Into a New...: I get it now: the unelected council put forth 3 names who were elected by the congregation. However, as the 3 names were put forth by the unelected council their candidacy should be null and void. ...
Church Goer artiklile St. Peter's: From the Brink - Into a New...: This is blatantly false. Do you even know these people? Most are all long-time members and have been very active in the community and the church. "Each has been drummed out of multiple...
Church Goer artiklile St. Peter's: From the Brink - Into a New...: Three of the acclaimed Congregational Council were up for re-election. The Council put forth 3 names and congregation members were free to put forth for election anyone else. When no-one else was...
On ‘current situation’ comm artiklile St. Peter's: From the Brink - Into a New...: So what you’re saying is that since no new names were presented, the present unelected council remains unelected. Thank you for clarifying.
current situation artiklile St. Peter's: From the Brink - Into a New...: At the last annual meeting in September, no names were presented from the floor to challenge the names presented by the council.
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