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Let’s all give a boost to Estonian athletes at the Invictus Games in Toronto Eesti Elu
16 Sep 2017 EL (Estonian Life)
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They are fully committed competitors – athletes that have been wounded on battlefield, while fulfilling Estonia’s international obligations on NATO missions abroad. Fifteen wounded veterans of the Estonian Defence Forces will be giving their supreme effort competing at the Invictus Games, held in Toronto, September 23-30.

Seventeen nations are slated to compete, with over 550 wounded warriors, unwilling to ‘throw in the towel’, with the same determination and duty that motivated their decision to volunteer for life-threatening assignments abroad.

General Riho Terras, Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces will be cheering the veterans on. Also attending will be the ‘Invictus’ concept promotor, Prince Harry, ex-president Barack Obama, etc.

I’m convinced that all who participate as supporters will be both moved and inspired. Let’s all be there!

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