Let us help children in Estonia 2009-10 (1)
Eestlased Kanadas | 04 Dec 2009  | EWR OnlineEWR
One large family in Karksi-Niuia
Action Estonia

Last year, through the Ottawa Rotary Club many Canadian Estonians provided support to several children’s groups in Estonia.

We hope that this year you will again take this opportunity to help children and young people in Estonia.

During the previous year the challenging task of helping children became even more difficult because of the worldwide economic crisis that has been felt even here in Canada.

The economic crisis resulted in local governments being forced to curtail financial support resulting in particular hardship for large families that have many school children. They require proper clothing and footwear and incur other expenses of going to school.

One of the children’s aid projects that Action Estonia supported recently put it as follows: “At this time in our city, the number of families requiring social assistance has doubled from last summer… The situation will get worse with more job losses looming and many have already used up their unemployment benefits…”

Karksi-Nuia and Tallinn International Rotary Club

The help that we provided to large families has been directed especially towards these two locations and their activities.

The Christian Youth Home in Tartu

The home’s work is still mainly directed towards education and folk culture.

Jõhvi and Valga

There your donations supported city government social service agency’s “Children’s Aid Funds” and help improve the situations of poorer families.

Thanks to our volunteers we have minimal administrative expenses so we have been able to send almost the entire amount of your donations to Estonia.

Please make out your cheque to “Action Estonia” and mail to:
Action Estonia
c/o Embassy of the Republic of Estonia
260 Dalhousie St. Suite 210
Ottawa, ON
K1N 7E4

This is a Rotary Club of Ottawa project with charitable registration number 0213397-63 (Service Fund) Income tax receipts will be issued in January and July.


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jarmo vollila05 Dec 2009 02:54
Rootsieestlased minuga eesotsas plaanime abistada Eesti ûksikisasid Tallinnast väljaspool olevates piirkondades.
Juhul kui Eesti majandus 2010 ei tôuse.

Loe kõiki kommentaare (1)

Eestlased Kanadas