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Liberal MP caught urinating on camera during virtual House of Commons, just weeks after nudity incident
28 May 2021 EWR Online
William Amos wears a Canadian flag mask on June 19, 2020. - pics/2021/05/58328_001_t.jpg
William Amos wears a Canadian flag mask on June 19, 2020.
Liberal MP William Amos has once again been caught unawares on webcam.

“Last night, while attending House of Commons proceedings virtually, in a non-public setting, I urinated without realizing I was on camera,” the Quebec MP wrote in a statement posted to social media Thursday night.

“I am deeply embarrassed by my actions and the distress they may have caused anybody who witnessed them,” wrote Amos. “While accidental and not visible to the public, this was completely unacceptable, and I apologize unreservedly.”

Amos also said he would be “temporarily” stepping down from his role as Parliamentary Secretary to Innovation, Science and Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne and his seat on the Veterans Affairs committee.

In the meantime, he also said he would “seek assistance,” though his statement offered no explanation as to what he would be seeking help for.

“I will continue to represent my constituents and I’m grateful to be their voice in Parliament,” wrote Amos, who has represented the riding of Pontiac since 2015. “I am deeply appreciative for the support of my staff and the love of my family.”

This is the second improper appearance on House of Commons cameras for Amos, who last month caused a significant stir when he appeared completely naked on the same internal parliamentary camera feed during question period.