Life Stories Writing Group Eesti Elu
Ajalugu | 04 Oct 2014  | EL (Estonian Life)Eesti Elu
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The Life Stories Writing Group began its second year on September 18, 2014 with a special guest. Writer Elin Toona Gottschalk was there to listen, encourage, and share insights on how to better develop a narrative. The group continues to meet every three weeks to record in English our personal histories and add to the collective legacy of who we are as Estonians in Canada. We always welcome new members. Please contact Kaja Telmet if you are interested.

Life Stories writing group: Standing, Kaja Telmet, Maie Liiv. Sitting: Lillian Puust, Asta Lokk Parming, Elin Toona Gottschalk, Anneli Jaeggin. Photo: Taavi Tamtik.
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