The Elulugude Kirjutajate group have been meeting at Tartu College for years to write their memories of growing up in Estonia, leaving and starting a new life in other countries. They have published several collections which are all valuable parts of our collective history. They have done their writing in Estonian, using the language they grew up with and knew best. For a generation that was for the most part born and raised outside of Estonia, however, the task is different. We will be writing our stories in English, the language we know best; the language which our children and grandchildren will be able to read and enjoy. We want to record OUR Estonian experience.
Please join us for an introductory workshop on Thursday, October 10th at Tartu College from 12:00 to 3:00. A light lunch will be provided.
Bring along a picture or two from your past that triggers a memory for you. We look forward to seeing you there and beginning a process of discovery together.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.
Kaja Telmet