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Local community consultation meeting at Toronto Estonian House Estonian Life
08 Jun 2019 EL (Estonian Life)
 - pics/2019/06/53828_001_t.jpg
The City of Toronto Planning Committee held a community consultation meeting at the Toronto Estonian House to discuss the concerns of the local residents regarding Revera’s development plans for 954 - 958 Broadview Ave, and 72 Chester Hill Rd. The proposed development is for the construction of an 18 storey seniors' retirement residence. Revera does not currently own any of the listed properties, although the conditional purchasing agreement has been executed. The sale is expected to close after Revera has received an acceptable re-zoning outcome from the City. The properties are currently owned by the Toronto Estonian House and by the Estonian Foundation in Canada. The final sale of the Toronto Estonian House is of prime interest to the GTA's Estonian community, as it is expected to provide the lion’s share of funding for the planned International Estonian Centre on Madison Ave.

In addition to the local City councillor Paula Fletcher, City Planner George Pantazis and several of Revera’s representatives, the meeting was attended by about 100 local residents and leaders of 5 residents associations. In attendance were also representatives from the Toronto Estonian House board, representatives from the planned International Estonian Centre on Madison Ave and some members of the Estonian community.

The meeting was opened by City Councilor Paula Fletcher. After brief opening remarks, the floor was turned over to City Planner George Pantazis. Mr. Pantazis presented and explained the City's planning process in general and site specific concerns in particular. The subject properties are covered by three different by-laws. In general, the provincial and municipal policies favour appropriate growth and intensification. The specific site requires mid and low-rise built form, providing appropriate transition, protecting heritage attributes, limiting negative aspects and accommodating community facility.

Revera is proposing an 18 storey (55.7 meters, excluding mechanical penthouse), 214 unit, 3,836 square meter, 3 level underground parking (64 spaces), 1881 sq. meters of indoor amenity space and 553 sq. meters of outdoor amenity space. This proposed size is in contravention of the applicable zoning by-laws. The maximum permitted height is 10 – 14 meters (proposed 55.7 meters), the maximum permitted density is 0.6 – 2.7 times the area of the lot (proposed 3.86 times).

Several Revera representatives also added relevant project details, addressing heritage, parking, garbage collection, green space, sight lines, etc. The development project details were mostly presented by Mike Brcko, VP, Property Development and Santiago Kunzle of Montgomery Sisam Architects Inc.

The floor was then opened up for questions and comments from local residents. The majority of speakers opposed the proposed development, on the basis of excessive height, inadequate parking, concerns about noise, traffic, garbage, sight lines and shadows. 980 Broadview condominium residents were specifically incensed about the proposed loss of 10 trees on their property, loss of sight lines and inadequate attention to their concerns in comparison to concerns voiced by residents on Chester Hill Road and Fulton Ave. Some questions were asked regarding the minimum acceptable height and square footage to make the project viable for Revera, which did not receive a clear answer. Residents also asked for a commitment to keep Chester Hill Rd a one-way street. Several speakers voiced their frustration about re-visiting the height issues after the intense 2.5 year Broadview Ave Planning Study was completed in 2016.

The City will take the results of the Community Consultation Meeting into account in preparing the Response to Applicant. After the response is published, it will be further circulated again and reviewed before the final report is issued. The final report is expected to be issued in October 2019.

An observer