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Logo Campaign (one week left)
26 Nov 2001 EE
The Estonian (Toronto) Credit Union Ltd. is looking to its members for ideas for new Logo. The Logo will be key to enhancing the Credit Union's image as a progressive full service financial institution, which responds to the increasingly demanding financial needs and expectations of today's market.

To encourage submissions we are offering a cash award of $500 for the best design. This will be supplemented by an additional $500 if the submission is ultimately adopted by the Credit Union. This amounts to a possible total of $1000 cash.

In selecting the winning design the Credit Union will be looking for the following:

SIMPLICITY The new Logo should lend itself to reproduction on a number of different mediums from baseball caps to stationery.

UNIVERSALITY The Logo should appeal equally to members of Estonian heritage as well as to members and organizations that are outside of the ethnic community. Consequently any lettering in the Logo will mostly be based on the English version of the name Estonian (Toronto) Credit Union Ltd. or an abbreviation such as "ETCU" or some other variation.

ESTONIAN HERITAGE The Logo should maintain some link to Estonian heritage, such as in the use of colour.

MODERN The Logo should communicate that the Estonian (Toronto) Credit Union Ltd. has evolved beyond the traditional Credit Union image of the past.


Submissions should be made on standard 81/2 X 11 inch paper. These may include sketches, drawings and/or computer generated images. A brief explanation of any thoughts and ideas that went into the design would be welcomed to accompany the submission. Contact information, including name, address, phone number and email address should be included on an accompanying sheet.

To qualify, submissions need to be delivered to the Credit Union by 3 P.M., on November 30, 2001.

For further information please call Heili Orav or Ingrid Kütt at (416) 465-4659
