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Madeline Ziniak wins another award
12 Nov 2004 Adu Raudkivi
Public recognition for her ongoing stellar contribution to
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broadcasting has gone to OMNI TV Vice President and General Manager Madeline Ziniak whose station produced "

The award was presented at the OAB 's annual awards ceremony by Michael Caine, president of multilingual radio station CJMR - 1320.

The OAB cited Madeline Ziniak for :

* Her ongoing commitment to expressing multiculturalism through the medium of television, for which she was awarded the Order of Ontario ;

* Her exemplary leadership role on broadcast industry related committees, such as fulfilling her current responsibilities as Co-Chair of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters' Cultural Diversity Task Force and Vice Chair of the Ontario region of the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council ;

* Her tireless devotion to community service, acknowledged last year with the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal.

Madeline Ziniak's tireless energy is evident in all her activities. She also often swims against the current like she did by having her station produce TELEPEEGEL and programs for Latvia and Lithuania when it was not financially viable and keeping the programs in production for two years for the sake of cultural diversity.

Madeline Ziniak is now producing, through her station, annual productions for Estonia involving cultural issues, which are replacing TELEPEEGEL.

Over the years Madeline Ziniak has put multicultural broadcast media on the map, and more honours are to be expected.