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Madison plans unveiled
29 Mar 2017 Tauno Mölder
 - pics/2017/03/49467_001_t.jpg
The Boards of Estonian House, Estonian (Toronto) Credit Union, Estonian Foundation of Canada and Tartu College organized a town hall style meeting to unveil their plans for the new Estonian community center at Madison Ave. After a long preamble about the history of the ongoing Estonian House re-development saga, architect Alar Kongats unveiled the preliminary drawings of the proposed building.

Unfortunately we are presently unable to show images or details of the plans. Meeting organizers asked those taking photos or video of the plans to leave, citing confidentiality.

The presentation concluded with Q&A session.

More information is forthcoming in the next few days.
UPDATE: see here

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Raivo Remmel - pics/2017/03/49467_004_t.jpg
Raivo Remmel
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Ellen Valter - pics/2017/03/49467_012_t.jpg
Ellen Valter
Kia Puhm - pics/2017/03/49467_006_t.jpg
Kia Puhm
Eva Varangu - pics/2017/03/49467_007_t.jpg
Eva Varangu
David Kalm - pics/2017/03/49467_008_t.jpg
David Kalm
Alar Kongats - pics/2017/03/49467_009_t.jpg
Alar Kongats
Reet Marten-Sehr - pics/2017/03/49467_010_t.jpg
Reet Marten-Sehr
Anne-Liis Keelmann - pics/2017/03/49467_011_t.jpg
Anne-Liis Keelmann
Kristi Sau-Doughty - pics/2017/03/49467_013_t.jpg
Kristi Sau-Doughty
Silvi Verder - pics/2017/03/49467_014_t.jpg
Silvi Verder
Tauno Mölder - pics/2017/03/49467_015_t.jpg
Tauno Mölder
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Reet Oolup, Peeter Einola, Eva Varangu - pics/2017/03/49467_018_t.jpg
Reet Oolup, Peeter Einola, Eva Varangu
Mihkel Jaenes - pics/2017/03/49467_019_t.jpg
Mihkel Jaenes
Thomas Koger - pics/2017/03/49467_020_t.jpg
Thomas Koger
 - pics/2017/03/49467_021_t.jpg
Mikk Linkruus - pics/2017/03/49467_022_t.jpg
Mikk Linkruus
Erika Jõgi - pics/2017/03/49467_023_t.jpg
Erika Jõgi
Alja Pirosok - pics/2017/03/49467_024_t.jpg
Alja Pirosok
Linda Veltmann - pics/2017/03/49467_025_t.jpg
Linda Veltmann
Katariina Jaenes - pics/2017/03/49467_026_t.jpg
Katariina Jaenes