Eesti Elu
Mae Productions releases Suurpõgenemine80/Great Baltic Escape 1944 short film triptych
Eestlased Kanadas | 30 Aug 2024  | Eesti Elu
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 - pics/2024/08/61192_001_t.jpg
TORONTO, August 23 – Mae Productions Inc. proudly announces the release of Suurpõgenemine80/Great Baltic Escape 1944, 3 short films honouring the 80th anniversary of the mass exodus of Baltic citizens during the Second World War.

This Fall Baltic communities around the world will gather to commemorate the 80th year of Suurpõgenemine80/Great Baltic Escape.

Mae Productions Inc., in joint Venture Agreement with VEMU/Estonian Museum Canada, created a series of three films (total run time under 60 minutes) that are available free of charge to any group or organization that wish to screen them at their event.


Moving accounts of escape.

Extending Compassion

A second generation Estonian welcomes Ukrainian refugees into his home.

Examining the Context

Estonian and Ukrainian scholars, speak to the events of 1944 and Russia colonialism in Ukraine.

“In this time of geopolitical uncertainty, these stories are of great interest to the Estonian Canadian community, Estonians in Estonia, as well as Ukrainian Canadian and other groups who have been forced to flee their homelands due to a war of aggression against their people.” Estonian Central Council in Canada /Eestlaste Kesknõukogu Kanadas.

“This project is very much aligned with the mission of the Foundation for Estonian Arts and Letters to promote the understanding and knowledge of arts, science, literature and Estonian language.” Eesti Kultuurifond Ameerika Ühendriikides/The Foundation for Estonian Arts and Letters, Inc.

Organizations who wish to screen these films – at a single event, or multiple events – please provide an email with subject line Suupõgenemine80 Screenings and provide the date(s) you wish to screen the films. You will be sent a link a few days prior to your screening date. To preview the style and some of the content please visit Some clips that were part of an art installation are included in the triptych (Clip #5 and Clip # 9 for example). Promotional photos may also be requested. Please contact .

Reet Mae, and Tom Mae, a brother and sister team in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, whose parents fled Estonia in the fall of 1944, as the Soviet army was overrunning Estonia, have been collecting stories for more than a decade, focusing on the people who were born in free Estonia – and fled in 1944.

For More Information Please Contact:
Tom Mae, Producer/Art Director.
Mae Productions Inc/ in collaborative venture with VEMU/Estonian Museum Canada
Cell: 647-267-2401. Please copy Reet for screening requests:

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