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Man to threaten Estonia's chief rabbi taken into custody for 48 hours - ERR
18 Mar 2019 EWR Online
Footage captured by Tallinn Municipal Police Department video of the verbal attack. Source: Tallinn Municipal Police Department  - pics/2019/03/53296_001.jpg
Footage captured by Tallinn Municipal Police Department video of the verbal attack. Source: Tallinn Municipal Police Department
Police in Estonia have taken a man who on Saturday threatened Chief Rabbi Shmuel Kot into custody for 48 hours and are searching his home.

"Police officers identified the insulter as a 27-year-old man whom we arrested at a shopping centre in Central Tallinn yesterday," Police and Border Guard Board (PPA) North Prefecture official Jelena Mirošnitšenko told ERR on Monday. "He is currently in custody for 48 hours in connection with a misdemeanour procedure, and the man confessed to his deed."

She added that police officers are in the process of checking the man's background as well as gathering evidence from his home.

Kaido Saarniit, head of the North Prefecture's Central Tallinn Police Department, told ERR on Sunday that the police had launched an investigation into the alleged verbal attack on Estonian Chief Rabbi Shmuel Kot on the grounds of the paragraph of the Penal Code addressing the incitement of hatred.