Mart Helme: In whose interests does the "sunrise government" operate? - ERR (1)
Eestlased Eestis | 03 Feb 2021  | EWR OnlineEWR
Mart Helme (EKRE). Source: Vladislava Snurnikova/ERR
In whose interests are the actions of the so-called sunrise government? Not Estonia and its citizens, Mart Helme (EKRE) writes.

The first interviews given by Eva-Maria Liimets who recently became Estonia's foreign minister in a rather unexpected move convincingly show that the new government has decided to give up on having an independent foreign policy.

We are seeing the return of fine-tuning a la Taavi Rõivas. European values everywhere and in everything. Let us ask which values would those be: gay marriage, trading fetuses and children, legalization of euthanasia, mass immigration, disparagement and suppression of nationalism and the nation state on all levels, accusing every white person of racism, contempt for the church and religiousness, attempts to rewrite history etc.?

As our diplomats have been raised in the aforementioned spirit for the past 25 years, it was easiest for the government to appoint a trained individual.

However, Liimets' statements allow for a few other conclusions. While security is said to be our number one priority, we must paradoxically open our borders to Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians in the name of Western values.

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lovikold03 Feb 2021 23:30
Just sellist riiki me tahamegi! Riigikogus toetas seda valitsust ca 70% saadikutest. Kes nad sinna hääletas? e-hääleke, äkki? Aga küsitlused erakondade populaarsuse kohta näitavad umbes sama tulemust?
Toetatakse nn. "euroopalikke väärtusi"! Paneme siis nende väärtuste põhipostulaadid kirja: kliimapettus, sooneutraalsus, inimkaubanduse edendamine.... Kas keegi oskab midagi lisada?

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Eestlased Eestis