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Martin Herem: military service in Estonia should be extended to 12 months
27 Sep 2022 EWR Online
Martin Herem. FOTO: Priit Simson | Delfi Meedia - pics/2022/09/59600_001_t.jpg
Martin Herem. FOTO: Priit Simson | Delfi Meedia
The head of Estonian Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Martin Herem, said that the military service in Estonia should be extended to at least 12 months, reports ERR.

According to Herem, the service may be even extended to 18 months at some point.

"We have no way out of extending the military service," said Herem.

The former head of Estonian Defense Forces, Riho Terras, wrote on social media that if the head of the Defense Forces suggests the military service must be extended, then the government, Riigikogu and society at large cannot ignore it. "The topic is certainly worth discussing and there is no reason to doubt the principle of Martin Herem's proposal," wrote Terras.

Military service currently lasts eight or eleven months in Estonia.