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Max Tuju - 2020 EFC Scholarship recipient
18 Jun 2021 EWR Online
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MAX TUJU is an Estonian-Canadian university student who received a 2020 EFC Scholarship. Max is currently completing his undergraduate degree in Geography at Lakehead University. Attending Jõekääru was an important experience for Max to feel connected to his heritage. Max isn’t quite sure yet what his future will hold after graduation.

On being Estonian
Since visiting Estonia in 2015, I have gained a greater understanding and appreciation of what being Estonian means. The fact that I was able to travel to a land that stands strong today in spite of numerous foreign invasions and occupations in the past stood out to me as a testament of the strength and resilience of our people in the Fatherland. That against all odds, we have retained our cultural identity and remain united as a nation, no matter where we may have ended up in the world.

Personal and family experiences have taught me very much about what being Estonian collectively means. It means that we are a resilient and strong people who are willing to persevere in our goals as a nation, no matter what we may face. I feel empowered by this because I know that our nation will continue to not only survive, but also thrive in the face of today’s world.

On the role of EFC
Estonian Foundation of Canada is important to the community because it provides Canada’s Estonian community with a cultural institution that acts as a cornerstone to unite, inform, and serve the wider Estonian diaspora in Canada, as well as provide a sense of common purpose for this community.

Based on personal experience, I can see why the mission of the Estonian Foundation of Canada remains vital, as I have gained a greater understanding of what being of Estonian descent means for me and my family.