McGuinty government invests in positive change for new immigrants CNW
Kuumad uudised | 20 Jan 2004  | EWR
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TORONTO, Jan. 20 /CNW/ - The McGuinty government is expanding opportunities for internationally-trained professionals to practice in Ontario by investing more than $4 million over three years, Mary Anne Chambers,
Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities announced today.
"We are committed to real, positive change by removing barriers to
employment for internationally-trained professionals and skilled trades-
people," Chambers said. "We are taking positive steps to help internationally-
trained professionals work in their field of expertise."
The government is investing in a number of "bridge" training programs
that will assist internationally-trained professionals in the fields of
teaching, engineering and health care. The programs will help individuals
develop skills and experience essential to practice in Ontario without
duplicating what they have learned elsewhere.
In addition, the government is working with the Colleges of Ontario
Network for Education and Training, George Brown College, Centennial College
and Fanshawe College to create CON(x)NECT, a project that will create a new
framework for the college system to provide another choice for internationally-
trained professionals and trades people to fast track their entry into the
"Leveraging our diversity and building the best educated and highly
skilled workforce in North America are the keys to achieving our economic
potential and creating opportunity for all," Chambers said. "We are confident
that employers, regulators and industry will work with us to achieve this
important goal."
Descriptions of current programs to help internationally-trained
individuals is available by clicking on "opening doors" at

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The McGuinty government is investing more than $4 million over three
years to strengthen bridge training programs for internationally-trained
individuals, including teachers, engineering technicians and technologists,
pharmacists, medical professionals and technologists.

Bridge Training Project for Teachers
- More than $1 million over 18 months

Through a partnership with the Ontario College of Teachers, the project
will provide assistance or services to more than 2,000 internationally-trained
teachers to ensure they have the skills to be educators in Ontario's publicly
funded school system.

Bridge Training Project for Engineering Technicians and Technologists
- More than $1 million over three years

The project will provide language and employment readiness skills,
contacts and networking opportunities to help internationally-trained
engineering technicians and technologists continue their careers in Ontario.
The project is a partnership between the Ministry of Training, Colleges
and Universities, the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians
and Technologists and the Quality Continuous Improvement Centre for Community
Education and Training.

International Pharmacy Graduate Program, University of Toronto
- $645,000 over three years

New funds will provide more specific advice to internationally-trained
candidates on how to strengthen their skills to meet Ontario requirements, and
to help program staff identify the needs of individuals. The funds will also
provide formal instructor education to strengthen the ability of clinical
instructors and employer mentors to understand different learning styles and
cultural needs.

Access and Options for Internationally-Trained Health Care Professionals,
Michener Institute
- $114,400 over two years

Providing a simulated clinical experience program for internationally-
trained medical laboratory science professionals will create more
opportunities for clinical work experience. Canadian clinical experience is
one of the requirements to practice in Ontario.

Preparation for registration for medical laboratory technologists,
Mohawk College
- $233,400 over two years

The new investment will help Mohawk College pilot and develop simulated
clinical training for internationally-trained medical laboratory
technologists. Mohawk College will work with the Michener Institute to adapt
and implement the training.

- $611,750 for one year

CON(x)NECT is developing a framework that will enable the college system
to provide another choice to the internationally trained for retraining. This
will allow the internationally trained to put their skills and experience to
work in Ontario, without duplicating prior training. The Ministry of Training,
Colleges and Universities launched CON(x)NECT in partnership with the Colleges
of Ontario Network for Education and Training, George Brown College,
Centennial College and Fanshawe College.

Career Bridge
- $701,000 for three years

Career Bridge is an internship program for the internationally trained.
Career Bridge gives employers in the Greater Toronto Area access to qualified,
experienced skilled immigrants in sectors including information technology,
engineering, manufacturing, sales and marketing, and accounting and finance.
Currently, 27 employers have committed to place 45 interns, and 30
internationally-trained individuals are now working and developing Canadian
experience. Career Bridge is undertaken in cooperation with the Toronto City
Summit Alliance.

Interactive Fact Sheet for Internationally-Trained Immigrant Engineering
Technicians and Technologists
- $32,000

A Web-based fact sheet will help internationally-trained engineering
technicians and technologists understand how their skills fit with Ontario
standards. The fact sheet will be developed in collaboration with the Ontario
Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists.
The government intends to work with the Professional Engineers Ontario to
create an e-fact sheet for internationally-trained engineers. It will also
expand the Ontario government Web site that will give individuals, employers
and others access to comprehensive information and assessment products.

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