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Mega March Toronto, in solidarity with Ukraine VIDEO
25 Feb 2023 Tauno Mölder

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Large crowds gathered at Nathan Philips Square in Toronto to mark the one-year anniversary of and to protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The "Mega March" was organized by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. Many protesters present were recent refugees from Ukraine and Ukrainians living in Canada, but many other ethnics communities were represented as well, including Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Azerbaijanians, Polish and others.

All levels of government were present, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Toronto Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie and the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada Pierre Poilievre. Prime Minister Trudeau was heckled during his speech, although it is unclear why. All political leaders expressed their unwavering support for Ukraine.

Trudeau said that Canada will support Ukraine "as long it takes, as much as it takes". Ontario Premier Doug Ford told the crowd that the province has provided more than 60,000 Ukrainian refugees with housing, health care, education and help with finding jobs. Toronto Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie said that the city supports Ukrainian refugees. She told the crowd that the city has installed "Free Ukraine" street signs around the Russian consulate in Toronto.

People sang the Ukrainian national anthem, chanted slogans and waved Ukrainian, Canadian and other flags representing various ethnic communities.

Photos and videos: Tauno Mölder
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