Film "Meie Tartu" jutustab loo eestlusest ja selle hoidmisest kodumaast kaugel Kanadas. Tartu College ehitati enam kui pool sajandit tagasi Toronto kesklinna kohalike eesti akadeemiliste organisatsioonide initsiatiivil ja hiidlasest arhitekti ning visionääri Elmar Tampõllu eestvedamisel. See ainulaadne maja on võimaldanud Toronto eesti kogukonnal edendada kultuuri ja talletada väliseestluse ajalugu tänaseks suurimas eesti-ainelises kogus väljaspool kodumaad - Väliseesti Muuseumis, VEMUs. Film on läbilõige Tartu College'i ajaloost ja kogukonna kasvamisest - vaatega tulevikku.
Meie Tartu. Tartu College'i 50 aastat (2)
Eestlased Kanadas | 02 Jun 2023 | EWR
Viimased kommentaarid
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Every film has some value as does this film on Tartu College. There is an abundance of valuable archival material which should in the future be better identified for educational purposes.
As someone who is familiar with our history I am concerned that some may believe that Tartu College played a more central role in our community than it did.
It was completed in 1970 as a much needed alternative venue for university aged members of the Estonian community who were members of local Estonian fraternities and sororities so that they could socialize under one roof. At the time there was no room at the Estonian House which was also too conservative for the younger generation. The young also wanted to escape from under the watchful eyes of their own conservative and even ultra conservative parents, their friends and the community.
Most political events in the community were connected to the Estonian House even if some of the people involved were users of Tartu College. For Tartu College founder Elmar Tampõld Estonian
As someone who is familiar with our history I am concerned that some may believe that Tartu College played a more central role in our community than it did.
It was completed in 1970 as a much needed alternative venue for university aged members of the Estonian community who were members of local Estonian fraternities and sororities so that they could socialize under one roof. At the time there was no room at the Estonian House which was also too conservative for the younger generation. The young also wanted to escape from under the watchful eyes of their own conservative and even ultra conservative parents, their friends and the community.
Most political events in the community were connected to the Estonian House even if some of the people involved were users of Tartu College. For Tartu College founder Elmar Tampõld Estonian
Toronto eesti kogukonnas sauna ehitamise praktilisusest ja muust...
Eestlased Kanadas