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Metsavennad Survival Training Report
20 Nov 2018 Eric Tiisler
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This was our third successful annual “Metsavennad Survival Training Camp” at Kotkajärve with five Vendurid and two Vanemgaidid in attendance. The theme resonated with the youth as they were tasked to create a basic shelter made of logs and rope and survive one night during late fall/early winter conditions. They were supplied with basic cast iron cooking implements and created a stone campfire next to their shelters. The youth were shown how to prepare and cook their raw meal properly and showcased a variety of wild edibles and non-edibles.

With our safety record intact, the youth awoke the next morning a little cold and very hungry! Special congratulations to Aleksander Mell for showing his obvious skill and patience while teaching the younger less experienced youth how to build a proper shelter.

Survivalists included Hälli Puust, Kaisa Kasekamp, Felix Tamm, Aidan Meipoom, Hunter Meipoom, Sten Puust and Aleksander (Sass) Chandler-Long. Absent was Markus “Margoose” Hogg however the youth made sure to care for his special “Goose” mascot and shared a moment via skype with the young man who is currently in the hospital. They should all be congratulated!
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Juhtide töö
While the youth worked throughout the day on their shelters, the Leaders were tasked with two different projects that included a log cabin base structure and a wood fired hot tub. The log cabin is destined to be a warming station for the remote Uudismaa location in anticipation of future cold weather camps. The design will be very reminiscent of another cabin built on site years ago behind the existing sauna.
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The wood fired heated bath was an example of engineering and simple thermodynamics offered through the use of simple materials, the challenge of reaching 38°C or 100°F was achieved!
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Special thanks to:
Ve Leadership Team - Andres Jeeger, Markus Jeeger, Endel Mell, Alrek Meipoom, Pearu Tamm
VGd Leadership Team - Kristina Kald, Maili Vessman,
Peakook – Angie Crossman
Esmaabi – Kersti Hansen
Saunamees – Aleks Kivi
Mootorsae mees (Chainsaw Man) – Trevor “Ristimees“Crossman
Soojendusega vanni meeskond (Heated Bath Team) – Eric Tiisler, Chris Medri, Andres Jeeger
Logi salongi meeskond (Log Cabin Team) – Alrek Meipoom, Endel Mell, Elmo Rutnik, Pearu Tamm, Aleks Kivi

Felix and Sten with “Margoose” - pics/2018/11/52599_004_t.jpg
Felix and Sten with “Margoose”