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Mihkel Raud: Self-Deprecation for a Better Understanding of Relationships and North America
12 Feb 2021 Vincent Teetsov
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The first time I talked to Mihkel Raud was in 2014, at Kotkajärve Metsaülikool, where he was due to deliver a lecture. I had only recently become aware of who he was when I saw his and Lenna Kuurmaa's performance of Morrissey's “Everyday Is Like Sunday” on ETV; and so I struck up a conversation about Morrissey and songwriting over [i]hapukapsas[i] (sauerkraut) at lunch.

If we had to fit everything about Mihkel Raud on a short press release, we would mention his rock and roll career in Singer Vinger and Mr. Lawrence, the personal and sometimes coarse books he's written about his life and perspectives, and the visibility he has as a television personality in Estonia.

But as he told me himself, the Mihkel Raud that people in Estonia know from books, music, and television is not necessarily the same Mihkel Raud that you will get to know in a one-on-one conversation.

(Pikemalt saab lugeda Eesti Elu 12. veebr. 2021 paber- ja PDF/Digilehest)