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MRP collusion between the Soviets and Nazis, sinister facts the Kremlin cannot reveal Estonian Life
17 Aug 2019 EL (Estonian Life)
Laas Leivat
 - pics/2019/08/54247_001_t.jpg

It’s been 80 years since the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 23, 1939 was signed between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The MRP was not, as documentary evidence has revealed, an act of geopolitical necessity, a defensive measure, the result of an inevitable historical process. But Moscow still insists, the MRP sanctioned only war events, which in any case, were initiated by Hitler.

Wrong! The Pact was the prelude to war crimes and genocide that the two totalitarian regimes had promised to inflict together. Together, their secret police forces played a mutually beneficial role in this.

In fact documents recently discovered have revealed that the NKVD and the Gestapo had a working relationship even well before the Pact was signed in 1939 and may well have helped to usher in the signatures of August 1939.

The archival materials of the KGB HQ in Ukraine opened this year… (Pikemalt Eesti Elu 16.aug. 2019 paberlehes)