MS Estonia's car ramp will be raised and examined (6)
Eestlased Eestis | 19 Apr 2023  | EWR OnlineEWR
File photo of ferry MS Estonia. Image: Li Samuelson / EPA - pics/2023/04/60162_001_t.webp
File photo of ferry MS Estonia. Image: Li Samuelson / EPA
Swedish, Finnish and Estonian accident investigators plan to raise the car ramp from the ferry MS Estonia for further investigation. MS Estonia sank in Gulf of Finland in 1994.

While the ferry's bow visor was pulled from the sea shortly after the accident, the vessel's vehicle ramp has stayed with the wreckage for nearly 30 years.

Investigators plan to lift the ramp in the early summer, according to the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority's Jonas Bäckstrand.

The Swedish government said in a statement issued on Tuesday that investigators will raise the ramp to the surface as well as photograph and video record inside the shipwreck's car deck.

In January, a refreshed examination of the tragedy found that the ship was unseaworthy and that there were no indications of an explosion in the vessel's bow, as had been suggested in a TV documentary.

That new probe was based on the results of findings presented in 1997 by the Joint Accident Investigation Commission (JAIC).

The Estonia sank in the Baltic Sea on the night of 28 September 1994, claiming the lives of 852 people as it was headed to Stockholm, Sweden from Tallinn, Estonia.

Only 137 people survived the tragedy.
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